Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Book Name:Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

her husband, but her husband behaves arrogantly like pharaoh. New demands are clearly made from her family or through her, asking for something at one time and another thing at other time. In short, every type of oppression and injustice can be found in our homes! May these people understand these blessed verses of the Holy Quran and abstain from this bad habit.

Moreover, in the light of these blessed verses, even the people should ponder a little who feel embarrassed about Islam and using ambiguous words say, ‘There are many hardships for women in Islam.’ They should reflect on whether Islam has caused hardships for women              or has saved women from hardships.

It has been further mentioned: To make a home peaceful, a very nice psychological method is being mentioned. Regarding wife it has been stated: If you do not like your wife because of her bad manners or because she is not beautiful, be patient and do not hasten to divorce her because it is possible that Allah almighty blesses you with such children from this wife who will be pious and obedient, and who will be a support for you during the helplessness of your old age. (Tafseer-e-Siraat-ul-Jinaan, vol. 2, pp. 167)

Remember! Women were in a very sorry state before Islam. For men, women were nothing but a toy to satisfy their carnal desires. Women would give men whatever they would earn after working hard day and night, but yet cruel men would not value women, but rather they would beat them mercilessly. For trivial things, they would cut the ear and nose etc. of women and sometimes would even kill them. The Arabs would bury their daughters alive. After father’s death just as sons would become the owners of the land and property left by their father, they would also become the owners of his (i.e. father’s) wives, forcing them to become their slave women. The woman was not given any portion of inheritance from her mother, father, brother, sister or husband, nor was she allowed to be the owner of anything. When the Beloved Rasool صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم arrived with Islam from Allah Almighty, fortune smiled on all the mistreated women in the world.

By virtue of the blessings of Islam, the status of women who were the victims of the oppression and injustice of cruel men became so high that she has been declared mercy in the form of a daughter, her feet have been compared