Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

Book Name:Islam Aik Zabita-e-Hayat He

A saint’s manner of doing business

It is narrated about a pious person that he was at a place called ‘Wasit’. He sent a ship filled with wheat towards the city of Basra and wrote to his servant: “Sell all the wheat on the very day ship reaches Basra, and do not store the goods until the next day.”

Coincidentally, the rate was low that day; traders suggested the servant to keep it until Friday as this would double the profit margin. So, he did not sell it until Friday and gained immense profit. The servant wrote to the owner informing him about the huge earning. On contrary, he received a letter from his owner: “O so and so, we manage to content with a little profit with safety of our religion [Islam] but you opposed my instruction. We do not want our profit to be multiplied in exchange for a loss in our religion (i.e. we suffer loss in our religion and the Hereafter). As soon as my letter reaches you, distribute all that wealth amongst the poor people of Basra. Perhaps by doing so, I will be saved from the sin of storing this food item for selling it at a high price later on; through this way neither may I suffer loss in (the Hereafter), nor will I gain any (worldly) benefit. (Ihya-ul-‘Uloom, vol. 2, pp. 93 summarised)

For the sake of these pious individuals, may we also gain the eagerness for becoming well-wishers for the Ummah. May we have the eagerness for distributing our wealth in the path of Allah sincerely.

Dear Islamic brothers! You have heard about the graceful and impeccable way of trading of our pious predecessors. Undoubtedly, Islamic history is full of with the parables of such pious people with great moral conduct. With following Islamic laws, they had the strong eagerness for the well-being and goodness for their Muslim brothers both in their personal and business affairs. Perhaps this was the reason why their era was filled with economic prosperity. Anyhow, if our businessmen get rid of the evil of greed and follow the Islamic laws and sharia with following the footsteps of the pious predecessors, our society can witness an overwhelming prosperity. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه  an informative programme  entitled ‘Rulings of trade’ is broadcast live on Madani channel. In this beautiful programme, for the Tarbiyyat of devotees of Rasool from different walks of life, in-depth answers based on Islamic Sharia are given about various Islamic topics. This programme is a great