Tawakkul aur Qana'at

Book Name:Tawakkul aur Qana'at

Listening to this, the groom became extremely embarrassed and said, ‘I apologise upon this weakness of mine.’

The bride replied, ‘Your excuse is with you; however, I cannot stay in the house where sustenance for the next meal is preserved. Now, either I will stay here or this piece of bread will.’

The groom instantly gave the piece of bread in charity and thanked Allah Almighty for being the husband of such a unique pious-charactered princess.’ (Raud-ur-Riyaheen, p. 192, summarised)

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب            صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic brothers! Did you see how unique are the traits of the Mutawakkileen. Despite being a princess, her Tawakkul was so remarkable that she did not approve of saving food for the next day. This is the blessing of firm reliance that the Lord Almighty Who fed us today can undoubtedly feed us again tomorrow. The birds do not preserve food. After eating at one time, it is not in their nature to save up for the next time. Observe the Tawakkul of a chicken. Give her some water. After drinking to her need, she strikes the bowl with her paw and drops rest of the water. In other words, the chicken is a silent preacher and is preaching us that o people! You still don’t satiate despite hording up for years! Whereas, I become carefree of water for the next time after drinking it once, (with a belief that) He Who provided me water now will also provide it to me later. Only if, we are also blessed with the blessing of Tawakkul.

Alas! The Muslim of today, let alone Tawakkul, even goes to the extent of murder just for the sake of one morsel. Despite having heaps of wealth and luxurious foods at one’s disposal, they still look at the wealth of others. Despite having the best of dwellings, they still think of how to take over others’ properties.

At times, one goes to the extent of robbery to take over the wealth of others and at times, he threatens people to usurp their wealth by scaring them. The basic reason for all this is not having Tawakkul upon Allah Almighty. Whereas, this fact should be sufficient for a person to embed in his heart that he will