Tawakkul aur Qana'at

Book Name:Tawakkul aur Qana'at

Means of livelihood

It is narrated: An abundant worshipper would remain busy in worshipping all night in Masjid Al-Haraam (Makkah). He would fast in the day and a person would come to give him two pieces of bread (roti) everyday with which he would do Iftar and then busy himself in worship until the next day. One day, a thought came to his mind: ‘What sort of reliance is this? I am relying on the bread given by some person and I am not relying on the Provider of sustenance for His Creation.’

When the person who would give him the bread arrived in the evening, the abundant worshipper returned them to him. 3 days passed in this state. When he was overcome by hunger, he beseeched his Lord Almighty. At night, he saw in a dream that he was present in the court of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty said to him: ‘Why did you return that which I used to provide through My bondsman?’

The abundant worshipper replied: ‘O Lord! It came to my mind that I am relying upon a person instead of You.’

Allah Almighty said: ‘Who would send those breads?’

The abundant worshipper replied: ‘Ya Allah! You are the One who would send them.’

It was ordered: ‘When I send them now, do not return them.’

During that dream, he saw the person who used to bring him the bread present in the court of Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty asked him: ‘Why did you stop giving bread to that abundant worshipper.’

He replied: ‘O Lord! You are very much aware of it.’

He was then asked: ‘O bondsman! Who did you provide that bread for?’

That person replied: ‘For You’ (meaning I would give it in Your way).

It was said: ‘Continue your deed, Paradise is for you in return of this from Me.’ (Raud-ur-Riyaheen, p. 133, summarised)

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب            صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد