Book Name:Fikr e Akhirat

fear whatsoever and speak in a manner that suggests there is none more pious than them.

In order to shake such people from their heedlessness, Sayyidunā Shaqīq al-Balkhī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states:

People proclaim three matters with their tongue, but act in opposition to them: 1) They say, “We are the slaves of Allah Almighty,” but they do not act as servants, rather they act as free people, doing as they please. 2) They say, “Allah Almighty grants us provision,” yet their hearts are not content without amassing the world and its contents, and this entirely opposes their claim. 3) They say, “In the end we will die,” but they act as though they will never pass away.[1]

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic brothers! Today, our state is reaching a point where we make a lot of effort in seeking worldly gain, but we remain heedless regarding the Hereafter. We dream of becoming rich day and night, driving fine cars and adopting the latest fashions, but we forget that we will have to pass away one day and leave this dazzling world empty handed. 

Which one of us knows the moment they will die? Is this night the final night of our life? We do not even have the guarantee that we will take another breath. Perhaps the breath we are taking right now is the final one we will take. We hear reports every day of people that were otherwise perfectly healthy and without any outward illness, yet they suddenly suffer heart failure and pass away, eventually entering the dark grave.

In order to awaken yourself from heedlessness, listen to two admonitory accounts, repent and busy yourself in preparing for the Hereafter.



[1] Mukāshafat al-Qulūb, p. 45