Book Name:Fikr e Akhirat

engrossed in the glamour of this world and we are suddenly afflicted by a dangerous illness, involved in an accident, or our breathing suddenly ceases and we pass away, then apart from feeling regret, we will be able to do nothing.

Take this wishful thinking out of your head that, “I am not that old; I am a fit and healthy person and have a long life ahead of me. I will perform pious deeds when I am old.” Remember! Death does not just arrive in old age or during illness, rather, even fit and healthy, lively young men succumb to death and enter the dark grave.

The similitude of this world is like a path which we must traverse in order to reach our destination, and that destination will either be Paradise or Hell! Our destination will depend upon how we traverse this path: by being obedient to Allah Almighty and His Messenger صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم or being disobedient to them.

Unfortunate is the person who sees the glimmers of the world and remains entangled in its deception, becoming completely heedless of death. Remember! The person who attaches his heart to the bounties of the world becomes heedless of his Hereafter. Heedlessness makes a person daring in relation to sin, distances him from pious deeds and is a means of earning the displeasure of Allah Almighty.

We have been bestowed with innumerable blessings by Allah Almighty in this world. Profitable trade and favourable employment are a blessing of Allah Almighty, grand homes and their numerous facilities are a blessing, good conveyances are a great blessing, and children are a blessing for their parents. However, it must be remembered that becoming preoccupied with a worldly blessing beyond one’s need is a cause of heedlessness and loss. Just as it is mentioned in Juzˈ 28, Sūrah al-Munāfiqūn, verse 9: