Book Name:Fikr e Akhirat

in the first row of the masjid with the opening takbir,” etc. However, crying out at that time will be of no benefit.

Therefore, intelligence lies in spending your life in accordance to sharia; save yourself and others from every minor and major sin; and perform virtuous acts and encourage others to do them also. In order to increase your passion for contemplating the Hereafter, associate yourself with the Islamic environment of Dawat-e-Islami, the religious movement of prophetic devotees; participate in the 12 religious activities of the zeli halaqa; and fervently propagate these activities in your locality.

Who is intelligent?

Dear Islamic brothers! The intelligent person is the one who prepares for death before it arrives. Fortunate is the one who gathers beneficial provision before becoming a traveller on the journey to the Hereafter. Remember that this worldly life is very short. Our every breath brings us closer to death. Our every breath brings us nearer to the end of our worldly life. Our every breath draws us nearer to our grave. Our every breath takes us towards meeting the angel of death. Our every breath gives us the mindset of preparing for the Hereafter. Our every breath is a means of connecting us to the Hereafter.

When our breaths come to an end, our actions will also halt. Then, besides feeling regret, we will be unable to do anything; we will not even be given the respite to increase our good deeds by uttering سُبْحٰنَ اللہ once. Therefore, value the life that you have been bestowed with in this world by earning good deeds and engrossing yourself in the betterment of your Hereafter.

Encouragement to travel in Madanī qafilahs on the night of Eid

Dear Islamic brothers! The blessed month of Ramadan now only remains as a guest among us for a few more days and will soon depart. Then the