A Message to Parents
Parents’ Responsibilities
Dr. Zahoor Ahmad Danish
The relationship between parents and children is a significant one. This article will outline the foundational responsibilities parents have towards children. Doing so will create awareness of these responsibilities and a sense of duty towards them.
One of the duties of parents is to nurture their children’s bodies and minds. Providing basic needs, such as food and drink, accommodation and affection, are also amongst the foundational responsibilities of parents. This will allow children to develop in a safe, supportive environment.
Parents should continue to fulfil their roles by providing guidance, offering advice, setting boundaries, and teaching good conduct and values at different stages of their children’s lives. This guidance will help children learning right from wrong and becoming responsible.
An important duty that parents have is to teach children discipline. They should make their children aware of the principles of good social interaction and how to live in society, for example.
It is also from the responsibilities of parents to offer children educational opportunities. Such avenues should aid progress, intellectual development, and choosing future pathways. They should also oversee their child’s schooling, assist with homework, liaise with teachers, and help their child specialise in a subject.
Emotional support
No one is better aware of a child’s emotional state than their parents. Based on their child’s state, they should make them aware of their religious association, blood relatives, and relationship with society at large. Parents should pay full attention to their children’s feelings and emotions.
Parents have the responsibility to assist their children to discover their interests, set targets, and have confidence in themselves. Continue encouraging them as this boosts self-assurance, prepares them to deal with obstacles, and empowers them to fulfil their potential.
Setting examples
Parents serve as role models for their children. So, in order to teach them how to navigate life’s ups and downs, they must establish examples through their own conduct.
These are foundational matters relating to the parent-child relationship. Knowing them can prove to be very beneficial for us and our children. Parents should understand these responsibilities and aid the development of their children.