Questions and Answers from Madani Muzakarah

Madani Muzakarah

1. Lighting a stove when a person has passed away

Q: Is it permissible to light a stove in the home to cook food when the body of a deceased is in the house?

A: Yes, you can light a stove; there is no problem in doing so.[1]

2. Martyrdom of one who has been burnt to death

Q: Is the person who is burnt to death a martyr?

A: Yes, the one who burns to death is also a martyr.[2]

3. Perspiration of the people of Paradise

Q: Will the inhabitants of Paradise perspire?

A: سُـبْحٰـنَ الـلّٰــه The perspiration of the inhabitants of Paradise will be so fragrant that it will emit a scent-like musk.[3]

4. Hajj Scheme

Q: If one’s name was not drawn out in the Hajj scheme, what should that person do?

A: If Hajj has become obligatory on the person, then without waiting, he should gain the blessings of Hajj this very year through other avenues (e.g. through a private Hajj group).[4]

5. Disinheritance

Q: What is the Islamic ruling on parents disinheriting a couple who marry without their blessings?

A: First of all, the couple should not do this; they should get married after receiving their parents’ blessings. Nonetheless, hypothetically speaking, if a man and woman marry without the blessings of their respective parents, they will not cease to be their offspring. This means they should not be deprived of their inheritance rights. Whoever disinherits them will be sinful.[5]

6. Proclaiming الـلّٰــه اَکْبَر in a state of joy

Q: Is proclaiming الـلّٰــه اَکْبَر in a state of happiness a sunnah of the Companions رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُم?

A: Yes, declaring الـلّٰــه اَکْبَر in a state of delight is a sunnah of the Companions رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُم.[6] On some occasions, people proclaim الـلّٰــه اَکْبَر out of amazement; there is nothing wrong with this either.[7]

7. Sleeping late during school holidays

Q: Should children sleep late during school holidays?

A: This will all be according to the personal circumstances of the parents and how they raise their children. If parents remain awake late into the night and at the same time tell their children, ‘Go to sleep’, then their children will reply, ‘When you are not sleeping, why should we?’

The second issue here is that if parents put their children to sleep and remain awake themselves, their children will be awake during the day and will not allow them to sleep. If the sleeping time for both children and parents is the same, this will allow great ease for all.[8]

8. Distrust of a liar

Q: If a person habitually lies, his truthful words also seem to be untruthful too. Will this be considered as having bad assumption towards him?

A: A habitual liar sometimes speaks the truth, but it is natural for people to then not believe such a person’s truthful statements. In any case, this will not be considered as harbouring bad assumption.[9]

9. Selling or consuming an animal bit by a snake or dog

Q: What is the ruling on selling an animal (or its meat) if it has been bitten by a snake or a dog? Can the meat of such an animal be consumed?

A: If poison has spread in the animal due to the bite and it is established that the poison will cause harm, then neither can one consume its meat himself, nor can he sell it on. It must be disposed of instead.[10]

10. Marriage within one’s family

Q: People marry into other families. When they go on to have children, the father says, ‘I will marry my daughter into my family’, and the mother says the same regarding her family. If the daughter gives preference to her mum’s side of the family and marries into it, the father is displeased and says, ‘My daughter did not accept what I wanted’. In this scenario, what should the daughter and her parents do?

A: This is indeed a complicated affair. The father should review his decision in this matter, as a daughter’s inclination towards her mother is normally greater. If the daughter accepts the mother’s decision, the father’s words will not carry weight, and this shall sadden him. This may result in argumentation and open doors to sin. Therefore, all proceedings should be carried out after due care, contemplation and wisdom. It will be better if the parents mutually consult one another in this regard. There is also no harm in marrying into one’s own caste.

The daughter should also approach matters with patience and wisdom. If it is the case that the girl’s marriage is sought by both the paternal and maternal side of the family, lots should be drawn and one should act according to this. The aim should be to completely avoid argumentation as this may result in the breakup of the family.[11]

11. Eclipses and pregnant women

Q: If a pregnant woman cuts something during a solar eclipse, will this have any effect on the child?

A: Neither will a solar nor a lunar eclipse have any effect on a pregnant woman or her child. People have concocted many things and spread them amongst themselves. If someone coincidentally experiences something, it should not be ascribed to the solar or lunar eclipse.[12]

[1] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 9, p. 90; Madani Muzakarah, 26th Ramadan, 1441 AH

[2] Sunan Abī Dāwūd: 3,111; Madani Muzakarah, 28th Ramadan, 1441 AH

[3] aī Muslim: 7,152; Madani Muzakarah, 8th Shawwal, 1441 AH

[4] Madani Muzakarah, 6th Rajab, 1440 AH

[5] Madani Muzakarah, 8th Shawwal, 1441 AH

[6] Mirāt al-Manājī, vol. 7, p. 275

[7] Madani Muzakarah, 15th Shawwal, 1441 AH

[8] Madani Muzakarah, 24th Ramadan, 1441 AH

[9] Madani Muzakarah, 20th Ramadan, 1441 AH

[10] Madani Muzakarah, 29th Shawwal, 1441 AH

[11] Madani Muzakarah, 22th Ramadan, 1441 AH

[12] Madani Muzakarah, 29th Shawwal, 1441 AH
