Hating an Islamic scholar without reason

Madani Muzakarah

1. Hanging hands on either side after the takbīr of Qunūt

Q: Should hands (and arms) hang on both sides after the takbīr of Qunūt?

A: In Witr salah, one should fold the hands immediately after reciting اَللہُ اَکْبَر (takbīr).  They should not be left to hang to the sides even for a moment. The same should be done when pronouncing the opening takbīr of salah.[1]

2. Hating an Islamic scholar without reason

Q: Can disrespecting an Islamic scholar endanger faith?

A: Yes. Contempt for a true scholar can destroy one’s faith. It is stated in al-Fatāwā al-Riawiyyah, “There is also fear of disbelief due to hating a scholar without [justifiable] cause.”[2]

3. Reciting takbīr after the imam

Q: Can we repeat the takbīr after the imam as he moves to rukū etc.?

A: Yes. The follower in the prayer will repeat any takbīr, as it is a sunnah for him. As for the opening takbīr, this is obligatory. If the follower does not pronounce it after the imam, the former’s salah does not even begin.[3]

4. Ruling on the statement: “We shall see after death.”

Q: If a person is told that a particular action is not good, and he replies, “We’ll see after death.” What is the ruling for this?

A: Saying: “We shall see what happens after death”, or “We’ll deal with this after we die”; this is a most impudent statement. If someone is preventing another person from a sin and the latter dismissively says, “It will be seen after death”, this is extremely dangerous. Such comments must be avoided and one should repent of such statements.[4]

5. Performing ablution whilst standing

Q: How is it to perform ablution whilst standing?

A: It is permissible. However, it is recommended to perform it seated.[5]

6. What is meant by the phrase: “Those who spilt hairs perish”?

It would appear to refer to excessive questioning, like in the incident of the cow, described in Sūrah al-Baqarah. Allah commanded the slaughtering of a cow, but people began to question Prophet Mūsā عَلَیْہِ السَّلَام unnecessarily about its type, colour, etc. They made matters more difficult for themselves and ended up acquiring a cow at a very high price, having to pay gold which filled the hide of the cow. Allah had simply commanded them to slaughter a cow. If they had not questioned so much, they could have slaughtered any cow and avoided so much difficulty.[6]

7. The effect of extending the length of a prostration on the salah

Q: Does extending the length of a prostration have any adverse effect on the salah?

A: If a person is praying alone, there is no harm in extending the prostration. However, an imam should take into consideration his followers and not adopt any manner that is burdensome for the congregation. In our age, taking such precautions is even more important, as people are far from the masjid. Carelessness can drive them further away. Attendees should be given ease in masjids, to the extent that if the public stays away due to the absence of air conditioning, this too should be arranged for them. There was a time when believers would worship without fans in the severe heat. Now, we are in an age where many do not attend masjids even if air conditioning is installed.[7]

8. Offering voluntary prayers while missed obligatory prayers are still due

Q: Can the one who owes missed prayers, offer the voluntary prayers of tahajjud, ishrāq, uā and awwābīn?

A: Scholars have permitted someone who has missed obligatory prayers, which are still due, to offer these voluntary prayers. If one wishes to offer missed prayers instead, he is permitted to do so. If someone does not offer these voluntary prayers, he is not sinful.  However, there are great virtues for offering them; therefore, those who can, should definitely do so.[8]

9. Displeasure of the spiritual guide due to the sins of a disciple

Q: If a disciple sins, does the spiritual guide become displeased and the blessings received from him diminish?

A: Whether a spiritual guide is unhappy or not, Allah will certainly be displeased, and so we must refrain from sins. The discontent of the spiritual guide should not be the only concern, while, Allah forbid, one shows disregard to the will of the Almighty. Sin is to disobey Allah, and any transgression displeases the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. As for the spiritual guide, he is considered after Allah and His Messenger صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. One should abandon sin out of fear of Allah and loyalty to the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. Evil must be avoided in every state.[9]

10. Naming a child Mīkāīl

Q: Can children be named after angels, for example, Mīkāīl?

A: Naming anyone with the names of angels has been discouraged in hadith.[10]

[1] Madani Muzakarah, 8th Rabīʿ al-Aakhir 1441 AH

[2] Fatāwā al-Razawiyyah, vol. 23, p. 715

[3] Madani Muzakarah, 3rd Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1441 AH

[4] Madani Muzakarah, 4th Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1441 AH

[5] Bahār-i-Sharīʿat, vol. 1, p. 296

[6] āwī, vol. 1, p. 75

[7] Madani Muzakarah, 26th Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1441 AH

[8] Madani Muzakarah, 26th Rabīʿ al-Awwal 1441 AH

[9] Madani Muzakarah, 13th afar 1441 AH

[10] Shuʿab al-Īmān: 8636
