Quranic Principles of Success

Teachings of the Holy Quran

Quranic Principles of Success

Mawlana Rashid Ali Attari Madani

Just as Muslims believe in tawīd and risālah, another of their essential beliefs pertain to the Hereafter and accountability. Belief in the Hereafter has profound effect on human life. The strength of this belief determines how mindful one is of the rights of Allah Almighty and mankind. One who is mindful of these matters strives to declared successful by Allah Almighty.

The noble Quran, the book of guidance for mankind, explains the beliefs, actions, and traits required to succeed in the Hereafter. The word فلاح (success) appears 40 times in the holy Quran with various derivatives, 23 times in Makki chapters and 17 in Madani.

Mufti Ahmad Yār Khān Naīmī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه explains the literal and technical meaning of this word:

The linguistic meaning of فلاح is to tear open and cut off, which is why a farmer is called a فلاح , as he tears the Earth. Its technical meaning is “success”, as it is only attained once difficulties and barriers are removed. Successful are those who are prosperous in the world, Barzakh, and the Hereafter.

Worldly guidance and success refer to people having correct beliefs and ability to perform good deeds. They are successful irrespective of their condition, whether poor or rich. In terms of guidance and success in the Barzakh, it denotes a good death and answering the questions of the grave correctly. Guidance and success in the Hereafter is to answer the questions of the Day of Judgement correctly and attain forgiveness from Allah Almighty.[1]

The lexicographer and linguist, Imām Murtaā al-Zabīdī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه writes in Tāj al-Urūs:

فَلَيْسَ فِي كَلَام الْعَرَب كلِّه أَجمعُ من لفظَةِ الفلاحِ لخيرَىِ الدُّنيا وَالْآخِرَة

There is no word in Arabic language which connotes success in the world and Hereafter besides فلاح. [2]

The actions and beliefs which lead to success are explained in two ways in the noble Quran. In some places, it describes a host of good deeds and beliefs before informing us they are causes of success. In other places, one or two actions or beliefs are particularly described as causes and principles of success.

Faith and actions

In the beginning of al-Baqarah, guidance was declared for the muttaqīn. The noble Quran also described them as those who believe without seeing, establish salah, spend in the way of Allah Almighty from the sustenance He provided them, believe in the holy Quran and divine scriptures before it, and believe in resurrection. After describing these actions and beliefs, the holy Quran labels them as successful.[3]


When people wore the ihrām of ajj during the Age of Jāhiliyya, they thought it impermissible to enter buildings through their doors. If they needed to enter a home, they did so by breaking its rear walls and considered this a good deed.[4]

Allah Almighty stated that the genuinely virtuous individual is he who is pious. He instructed for us to enter homes through their doors and become pious if we wish for success.[5]

This verse also teaches us that that piety, abstinence, means of reward, and roads to salvation are only those told to us by the holy Quran, Hadith and our pious predecessors. Deeming an action impermissible without categoric evidence, inventing erroneous customs, and implementing self-imposed restrictions is nothing but utter ignorance.

Mufti Amad Yār Khān Naīmī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه writes:

Muslims who abandon salah, do not fast, take drugs, light fires, and listen to forbidden music under the name of qawwālī whilst believing this to be an act of worship; they must learn from this. May Allah Almighty grant us correct understanding, and ability to see the truth as truth and falsehood as falsehood.[6]

Enjoining good and forbidding evil

Enjoining good and forbidding evil is another principle of success. The holy Quran commands that there should be a group among us who call towards righteousness, command good, and forbid evil, as it is these who are successful.[7]

Actions of piety

The holy Quran describes fearing Allah Almighty and being pious. It also declares actions related to this being pathways to success. Regarding the forbiddance of interest in monetary affairs, Allah Almighty states, “O believers! Do not consume usury, doubled and quadrupled, and fear Allah with this hope that you may attain success.”[8]

It also commands us to be patient, more patient than our enemies in fact, and to protect the Islamic country:

“O believers! Be patient, and exceed the enemies in patience, and guard the border of the Islamic country and keep fearing Allah Almighty, on this hope; that you may succeed.”[9]

Similarly, al-Māˈidah addresses the believers, commands them to be pious, to find a wasīlah, and to fight in the way of Allah Almighty. These actions are a means of attaining success.

Al-Taghābun describes the actions of fearing Allah Almighty, worshipping according to your capability, obeying Him and His Messenger, spending in His way, and saving yourself from greed as means for success. Allah Almighty declares, “Therefore, fear Allah as much as possible, and listen to the command (of Allah), and obey the command, and spend in the path of Allah for your own good. And whoever is rescued from the greed of his own soul, only they are the successful.”[10]

Likewise, al-Māˈidah encourages one to believe the truth as truth in every circumstance, and this is part of piety. Allah Almighty states, “The impure and the pure are not equal (i.e. halal and haraam, the pious and evil, a Muslim and disbeliever do not have the same rank), even though the abundance (i.e. resources) of the impure may attract you. Therefore, keep fearing Allah, O people of intelligence, that you may attain success.”[11]

Refraining from Satanic acts

Another principle of success is to refrain from Satanic actions. The noble Quran describes alcohol, gambling, polytheism, and fortune telling as works of the Devil. It commands us to protect ourselves from them to attain success.

It also teaches us that Satan desires to infuse hatred and enmity between us through alcohol and gambling, and to prevent us from the dhikr of Allah Almighty and performing salah. We hear of many incidents in which people commit suicide or are killed because of gambling. Drinking alcohol also causes people to kill, divorce, spread corruption, or fight.[12]

Remembering Allah Almighty’s blessings and thanking Him

In al-Aʿrāf, Allah Almighty addresses the nation of ʿĀd and ordered them to remember His blessings, believe in Him, as well as worship and obey Him. This is stated as a means of acquiring success.[13]

Standing against disbelief and asking Allah Almighty for help

Standing firm, remembering Allah Almighty, seeking His help, and making supplications for victory when battling disbelievers is another principle of success. This principle teaches us to engage our hearts and tongues in the remembrance of Allah Almighty in every state, and to not be heedless of Him in times of difficulty.[14]

Salah and good actions

Salah is not just reciting al-Fātia, making dua, bowing, and prostrating. It is the greatest form of worshipping and obeying our Creator. It is also a means of eternal success. Allah Almighty addresses the believers and says, “O believers! Bow and prostrate, and worship your Lord, and do good deeds in the hope that you may be relieved.”[15]

“Good deeds” in this verse includes kindness to relatives, having good manners, and other praiseworthy actions.[16]

7 important actions that come with faith

Al-Muˈminūn clearly explains the actions of believers which lead to success. The chapter begins with Allah Almighty saying, “Undoubtedly, the believers reached their goals.” Then, their actions are described which made them successful; they are those who totally humble themselves in their salah, do not incline towards vain talk, work to pay zakat (consistently), protect their private parts, fulfil their trusts and promises, and guard their salah.[17]

Modesty and veiling

In Al-Nūr, Allah Almighty commands the Muslim men and women to perform certain actions for their prosperity. They include lowering the gaze to protect yourself from looking at haraam and non-marams. They must also not indulge in fornication. Women must not reveal their adornment except to their husbands and maram relatives, not to walk in a manner which amplifies the sound of their footsteps and jewellery, and must turn to Allah in repentance.[18]

Remembering Allah Almighty abundantly

Remembering Allah Almighty in abundance is another principle of success. After commanding us to perform salah in its allotted time, Allah Almighty then orders us to disperse in the land and seek His benevolence. This refers to seeking lawful sustenance, acquiring knowledge, visiting the ill, participating in funerals, visiting scholars, and other good actions. He also instructs us to remember Him abundantly.[19]

More principles of success will be explained in next month’s edition اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه.

[1] Tafsīr Naʿīmī, vol. 1, p. 117

[2] Tāj al-ʿUrūs, vol. 7, p. 26

[3] Al-Quran, Al-Baqara, verses 2 to 5

[4] Khazāˈin al-ʿIrfān

[5] Al-Quran, Al-Baqara, verse 189

[6] Tafsīr Naʿīmī, vol. 2, p. 261

[7] Al-Quran, Āl ʿImrān, verse 104

[8] Ibid, Āl ʿImrān, verse 130

[9] Al-Quran, Āl ʿImrān, verse 200; translation from Kanz al-ʿIrfān

[10] Ibid, Al-Taghābun, verse 16

[11] Ibid, al-Māˈidah, verse 100; Khazāˈin al-ʿIrfān

[12] Ibid, verses 90-91

[13] Al-Quran, al-Aʿrāf, verse 69

[14] Ibid, Al-Anfāl, verse 45; Khazāˈin al-ʿIrfān

[15] Al-Quran, Al-ajj, verse 77

[16] Khazāˈin al-ʿIrfān, part 17, Al-ajj, verse 77

[17] Al-Quran, Al-Muˈminūn, verses 1 to 10

[18] Ibid, Al-Nūr, verse 31

[19] Ibid, Al-Jumuʿa, verses 9-10
