Book Name:Khud Kushi Kay Asbab

something happens which is against our nature, then instead of becoming angry and thinking of revenge, we should act upon Madani In’aam number 23 whilst developing the mindset to make the attack of shaytan unsuccessful. Madani In’aam number 23 is: Today when angry at someone, did you (in the home or outside) remain quiet and cure the anger or did you react? Moreover, did you forgive or look for opportunities to take revenge?

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Second cause of suicide – financial worries

Dear Islamic sisters! The second main cause from the many causes of suicide is financial worries. Desiring to have plenty of wealth for comforts, lavish foods, extravagance on wedding occasions etc., decorations of the home, expensive clothes and having dreams of bright future and becoming a very rich person are also a cause of suicide.

There is no doubt in the fact that wealth is a basic need of humans. As long as there is enough wealth to meet needs, life passes happily. However, when the pocket is about to become empty and the rising sun arrives with a new expenditure, then the wheel of life’s vehicle begins to stall. In these circumstances, sometimes refuge is sought under a thorny tree known as a loan. Meaning, the burden of a loan needs to be carried to fulfil needs. Then this tree spreads its roots and becomes so strong that some weak minded individuals become inclined towards suicide. Sometimes the expensive school and tuition fees, increasing household expenditure, electricity and gas bills, demands from the landlord and creditor push a person into such a closed room that the only way to salvation seems to be through suicide.

The cure for livelihood worry is contentment

If the mindset to live and eat in a simple way is developed in the real sense, then it will be possible to get by on a small income and perhaps no Muslim will commit the Haraam act of suicide which leads to hellfire. Remember, human desires are deeper than the ocean and wider than the heavens and the earth. Those Islamic sisters are truly blessed who whilst acting upon the