Book Name:Khud Kushi Kay Asbab

Increasing inclination towards suicide 

Dear Islamic sisters, suicide is a sign of cowardice and lack of courage. Alas! Nowadays the rate of suicidal acts is steadily increasing. According to statistics from a survey carried out by a reliable international organisation, every year almost 1 million people commit suicide. From all global deaths, the rate of suicide deaths is 1.8%. According to one survey, this rate is rapidly rising. (Taken from various websites)

Dear Islamic sisters! Ponder! In this world filled with humans, every 40 seconds someone takes their own life.

Why is suicide committed? What are its main causes and how can they be cured? Let’s hear about the main causes of suicide and their cures.

First cause – distance from religion

Dear Islamic sisters! اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه we are all Muslims. Our religion Islam is the best of all religions. It provides guidance in every matter of the world and the hereafter. One main and important reason behind the rising percentage of suicide amongst Muslims is distance from the religion, Shari’ah and Islam. Some incidents portray a highly emotional scene. Let’s listen to a few such accounts of suicide:

Summary of a report from a newspaper: A mother adorned her son as a bridegroom and made the marriage procession depart. Although the people tried their best to make her accompany them but she did not go. Later she handed over all the household jewellery and money etc. to someone and jumped into a river. Her corpse was recovered two days later.

A report from another newspaper: A father killed his daughter, two sons and his wife, and then committed suicide to end his own life as well.

A report from a newspaper: A father slapped his 14 years old son in a state of anger. In reaction, the boy locked himself in the bathroom and burnt himself alive.

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد