Khud Kushi Kay Asbab

Book Name:Khud Kushi Kay Asbab

Dear Islamic sisters, ponder! The Noble Quran is stating that Allah Almighty tests a person by inflicting her with calamities. Now, the one who displayed impatience over them, raised her voice, uttered words of ungratefulness from her tongue or took the path of suicide مَعَاذَاللّٰہ after becoming displeased, she has failed miserably in this test and has become deserving of hundreds of thousands of more calamities than before. The calamity did not end by showing impatience; on the other hand the immense reward that would have been attained by showing patience has also been lost which in itself is a big calamity. This is why patience should be adopted.

The excellence of a believer as mentioned in a Blessed Hadees is that when happiness reaches him, he shows gratitude to Allah Almighty and when difficulty reaches him, he is patient.  (Muslim, pp. 1222, Hadees 7500)

The meaning of patience and its blessings

Dear Islamic sisters. No doubt:

٭   Patience contains goodness in totality

٭   Patience is a quality which saves one from the worries of the world

٭   Patience refers to remaining happy upon the pleasure of Allah Almighty

٭   Patience refers to saving oneself from sins

٭   Patience is a means of gaining nearness to Allah Almighty

٭   Patience is a cause of gaining great and countless reward

٭   By being patient, one receives the help of Allah Almighty

٭   By being patient, the blessings of Allah Almighty are attained

٭   Patience betters the worldly life as well as the hereafter

٭   Allah Almighty has mentioned patience at more than 90 places in the Noble Quran and has frequently attributed high ranks and goodness to patience; He عَزَّوَجَلَّ has referred to them as the fruits of patience, and has prepared such blessings for the patient ones which are not for anyone else. (Mukashafa-tul-Quloob, pp. 499)

٭   From all the worships, it is only patience which Allah Almighty has not just linked to Himself but He has also given the glad tidings of being with