Achy amaal ki barkaten

Book Name:Achy amaal ki barkaten

one of them. Surely, she will select the 100,000 rupees. Just like this, the example of this world and whatever is in it is that of a 100-rupee note. Whereas, the benefits and blessings we will receive in the hereafter are priceless because one cannot compare the blessings of this mortal world with the everlasting blessings of Paradise. Let’s listen to some of the splendours of Paradise:

Splendours of Paradise

٭   If anything from paradise which is equivalent to a fingernail were to become apparent in this world, then the skies and earth would be decorated by it. (Tirmizi, vol. 4, pp. 241, Hadees 2547)

٭   The walls of paradise are made of silver and gold bricks and clay of musk. (Majma’-uz-Zawaid, vol. 10, pp. 732, Hadees 18642)

٭   There are 4 rivers in paradise: one is of water, second is of milk, third is of honey and fourth is of wine. Then streams are running from each of these rivers, going into every house. One bank of each stream is made of pearl and the other bank is made of ruby. The seabed is made of pure musk. (Attargheeb Wattarheeb, vol. 4, pp. 315, Hadees 35, 5734)

٭   There will be a wide variety of delicious food in paradise. Whatever one wishes for, it will appear in front of him instantly. (Tafseer Ibn-e-Kaseer, vol. 7, pp. 162)

٭   If anyone sees a bird and wishes to eat its meat, then it will be presented to them, cooked/roasted, at that very instant.(Attargheeb Wattarheeb, vol. 4, pp. 292, Hadees 73)

٭   If there is desire for water etc, then the vessels will automatically appear in the hand. The vessels will contain an exact amount of water, milk, wine or honey as it will neither be one drop less or one drop more than their appetite. After drinking, (those vessels) will automatically go back to where they came from. (Attargheeb Wattarheeb, vol. 4, pp. 290, Hadees 66)