Book Name:Shetan Ki Insan Se Dushmani

The angels even performed a second prostration out of thankfulness to Allah Almighty. Yet, Satan stood away from them all with not even the slightest tinge of regret over his actions. Due to Satan’s arrogance, he was rejected by Allah Almighty forever and banished from Paradise.

When this happened, his mouth hung open with teeth protruding from them like a pig, his head resembled that of a camel, his chest was shaped like a camel’s hump, his face made to look like a monkey, his eyes were shrivelled, nostrils open like a jar, his lips dangled like a bull, and he had seven hairs in his beard.

He was doomed from this moment, and was no longer known as Iblīs, but as Satan.[1]

Arrogance and the ruin it brings

Dear Islamic brothers! We just heard how Satan was once somebody who worshipped Allah Almighty profusely and had steep knowledge. Yet, one sin caused him to be rejected and accursed for all eternity, and that sin was arrogance.  

This is one of Satan’s weapons with which he misguides people, resulting in them displeasing Allah Almighty. Remember, arrogance leads to ruin. Those who possess this bad characteristic have a seal placed upon their hearts by Allah Almighty, and they are disliked by Him. An arrogant person remains deprived of contemplating over Quranic verses and drawing lesson from them. Eventually, this misfortunate person is shamed and ends up in Hell.

An arrogant person takes himself away from spending time with the pious and righteous.




[1] Mukāshafat al-Qulūb, p. 79