Imam Hussain Ki Seerat

Book Name:Imam Hussain Ki Seerat

their bones, disintegrate their bodies, and lengthen their hardship.[1]   

Calamity in the grave

When the Prophet’s grandson, Imam Ḥusayn رَضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَـنْهُ came across graves, he would say:

These appear outwardly serene, but on the inside, they are filled with calamity. O slaves of Allah Almighty! Do not busy yourselves in the world. Indeed, you shall only take your deeds with you to the grave. Do good deeds and never become negligent of them.[2]

Dear Islamic brothers! We learn that Imam Ḥusayn رَضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَـنْهُ used to visit graveyards. We should too, so we may take heed and remind ourselves of our true purpose in life. Go, recite Al-Fātiḥa for the deceased, and pray for their forgiveness. Close your eyes and think about how you will join them one day. The dark, lonely, and terrifying grave will be your abode. Your beauty will be destroyed and your strength rendered meaningless. Your eyes will melt, and your body torn apart. You will be laid to rest in soil. Allah Almighty will then resurrect you on the Day of Judgement. You will then stand before Him and be held accountable for your actions.

Travel to the cemetery regularly to remind yourself like this. اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه The rust of the heart will be taken away. You will develop hatred for sins and a mindset to perform good deeds. May Allah Almighty grant us the ability to do this.

اٰمِیْنْ بِجَاہِ خاتَمِ النَّبِیّٖن صلَّی اللہُ عَلَیْہ ِوَاٰلِہٖ وَسَلَّمَ




[1] Tarīkh Madīna Dimashq, vol. 14, p. 187

[2] Būstān al-Wāʿiẓīn, p. 157