Dar al-Ifta Ahl al-Sunnah
Mufti Hashim Khan Attari Madani
1. Prayer on thick and soft foam
Q: What do the noble scholars say about the following matter: In our masjid, foam underlay is fitted under the floor mats. One’s forehead does not firmly rest on it during prostration, nor can the hardness of the floor be felt through it. If one presses his forehead harder downwards, it just depresses further. Will prayer on such foam be valid?
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
A: In this case, prostration on the described foam, which prevents the worshipper from firmly resting his head and feeling the hardness of the floor and depresses further the more he presses his head, will not be valid. For this reason, the prayer will also be invalid. It is necessary for the masjid committee to avoid laying down such foam in the prayer area.
وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم
2. Buying and selling lottery cards and coupons
Q: What do the noble scholars say about this matter:
1. Some shopkeepers sell a specific type of lottery card whose details are as follows. Each card comprises of many coupons. The customer pays 5 rupees to scratch the card. On some occasions, a specific amount of additional money is won which the shopkeeper pays, and sometimes the coupon is empty and the shopkeeper retains the customer’s money. When all the coupons on one card have been sold, the shopkeeper makes approximately 150 rupees profit. Those customers whose coupons turned out empty lose their money. Is it permitted to buy and sell such lottery cards and coupons?
2. If selling such lottery cards and coupons is not permissible, what is the legal ruling for the shopkeepers who sold them and the customers who purchased them?
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
1. The scenario of lottery asked about is impermissible (haram) according to Islamic law because it is a form of gambling.
The detailed explanation of this is that in this scenario, either the 5 rupees of the one who scratched the coupon will be lost or he will win additional money from the shopkeeper. In this way, either the shopkeeper will gain the customer’s 5 rupees or he will have to pay out additional money from himself. This is gambling, which the Quran and Sunnah unequivocally proscribe.
2. It is necessary for the shopkeepers who sold such lottery cards and coupons and the customers who bought them that they sincerely repent. Whichever customers’ coupons turned out empty and the shopkeeper kept their money, he must return it to them, and if they are no longer alive, he must pay their living heirs. If he cannot identify them or their heirs, he should give it in charity on their behalf. Those customers who were paid out by the shopkeeper should return their winnings to him.
وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم
3. The superstition of a crying cat
Q: What do the noble scholars say regarding this matter: Where we live, the crying of a cat is considered an omen of misfortune, portending a calamity or death. Is this correct according to Islamic teachings?
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
A: Considering the crying of a cat to be a sign of misfortune, or holding the thinking that due to a cat crying a calamity befalls or a person dies, is a form of taking bad omens from something, which is impermissible and a sin.
وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم
4. The follower should complete tashahhud and then follow the imam
Q: What do the noble scholars say regarding this matter: If an imam rises up from the first sitting in prayer before the follower completes the recital of tashahhud, or gives salam after the final sitting before the follower completes the recital of tashahhud, then is it necessary upon the follower to complete the recital of tashahhud in both scenarios, or is it necessary upon him to immediately follow the imam?
بِسْمِ اللّٰہِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ
اَلْجَوَابُ بِعَوْنِ الْمَلِکِ الْوَھَّابِ اَللّٰھُمَّ ھِدَایَۃ الْحَقِّ وَالصَّوَابِ
A: According to Islamic jurisprudence, it is incumbent (wājib) to follow the imam in essential (farḍ) and integral (wājib) aspects of the prayer, immediately. However, if following the imam would lead to omitting a wajib, the follower should first complete that wajib and then follow the imam. Since reciting the tashahhud is a wajib, then in the mentioned scenario, if the imam gets up from the first sitting before the follower completes the tashahhud, the follower should complete the tashahhud and then follow the imam. Similarly, if the imam gave salam after the final sitting before the follower completed the recital of tashahhud, the follower should first complete tashahhud (up to عبدہ ورسوله) and then give salam. If the follower had completed tashahhud and was reciting salat on the Prophet صَلَّى الـلّٰـهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم or the final supplication (dua) and the imam gave salam, then the follower should follow the imam and immediately give salam.
وَاللہُ اَعْلَمُ عَزَّوَجَلَّ وَ رَسُوْلُہٗ اَعْلَم صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم