A Quranic Portrait of Prophet Dawud علیہ السلام

A Quranic Portrait of Prophet Dawud عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام

Bint Sayyid Abrar Hussain, 4th year student, Jamiat al-Madina Girls Pakpurah, Sialkot

The noble prophets عَـلَـيْهِمُ السَّلَام are the most profound and remarkable people to have graced this world. Their minds were illuminated by the light of divine revelation, and their hearts, seeped in love for Allah. These honourable people were blessed with countless virtues and perfections, and their mention is also made in the noble Quran. Among them is the beloved Prophet of Allah, Sayyiduna Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام. Allah Almighty blessed him with the scripture known as the "Zabūr Sharīf." Allah Almighty states:

وَّ اٰتَیۡنَا دَاوٗدَ  زَبُوۡرًا (۵۵)

 “We gave the Zaboor (Psalms) to Dāwūd.”[1]

In the holy Quran, Allah has mentioned several attributes of Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام, some of which are as follows:

Immensely strong in worship:

وَ اذۡکُرۡ عَبۡدَنَا دَاوٗدَ   ذَا  الۡاَیۡدِ ۚ اِنَّہٗۤ   اَوَّابٌ (۱۷)

 “And remember our slave Dāwūd, the one blessed with favours; he is indeed most repenting (towards his Lord).[2]

Sayyidunā Abdullāh b. Abbās رَضِىَ الـلّٰـهُ عَـنْهُما states that “blessed with favours” refers to Prophet Dāwūd’s immense strength in worshipping Allah Almighty.[3]

Allah's Vicegerent:

یٰدَاوٗدُ  اِنَّا جَعَلۡنٰکَ خَلِیۡفَۃً فِی الۡاَرۡضِ

“'O Dāwūd, We have indeed appointed you as ˹Our˺ vicegerent in the earth.”[4]

This verse highlights that Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was given wardship of the earth to manage its affairs, and his command was implemented amongst them.[5]

Received Kingdom and Wisdom:

وَ اٰتٰىہُ اللّٰہُ  الۡمُلۡکَ وَ الۡحِکۡمَۃَ وَ عَلَّمَہٗ مِمَّا یَشَآءُ ؕ

 “And Allah bestowed upon him kingdom and wisdom, and taught him whatever He willed.”[6]

Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was granted both sovereignty and wisdom, i.e., prophethood by Allah Almighty. He was also taught various skills including the ability to make armour and understand the speech of animals.[7]

Possessor of abundant knowledge:

وَ لَقَدۡ اٰتَیۡنَا دَاوٗدَ  وَ سُلَیۡمٰنَ عِلۡمًا ۚ

“And we indeed bestowed great knowledge to Dāwūd and Sulaymān”[8]

Allah Almighty granted Prophets Dāwūd and Sulaymān عَـلَيْـهِمَا الـسَّـلَام knowledge of law and governance. Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام was also granted knowledge of the speech of animals and birds.[9]

Mountains and birds glorify Allah along with him:

یٰجِبَالُ اَوِّبِیۡ  مَعَہٗ  وَ الطَّیۡرَ ۚ

 “O the mountains and birds, turn towards Allah along with him.”[10]

Allah Almighty commanded mountains and birds to perform glorification along with him just as is stated in this verse.

This miraculous gift from Allah Almighty allows him to experience mountains and birds joining in glorifying the Lord when he does so. The resounding praise of Allah from the mountains became audible for him, and the birds even bowed down in unison.[11]

Iron becomes soft:

وَ اَلَنَّا لَہُ  الۡحَدِیۡدَ (ۙ۱۰)

 “We made iron soft for him.”[12]

When iron came into the blessed hands of Prophet Dāwūd عَـلَيْـهِ الـسَّـلَام, it became as soft as wax or kneaded dough, and he could mould it into various shapes without the need for fire or hammers.[13]

We pray to Allah that He grants us the ability to read, remember, and act upon the noble biographies of the honourable prophets عَـلَـيْهِمُ السَّلَام, and to convey it to others.

اٰمِیْن بِجَاہِ النَّبِیِّ الْاَمِیْن صلَّی اللہ علیہ واٰلہٖ وسلَّم

[1] Al-Quran, 17:55, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[2] Al-Quran, 38:17, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[3] irā al-Jinān, vol. 8, p. 376

[4] Al-Quran, 38:26, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[5] irā al-Jinān, vol. 8, p. 386

[6] Al-Quran, 2:251, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[7] irā al-Jinān, vol. 1, p. 377

[8] Al-Quran, 27:15, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[9] irā al-Jinān, vol. 7, p. 185

[10] Al-Quran, 34:10, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[11] irā al-Jinān, vol. 8, p. 120

[12] Al-Quran, 34:10, Translation from Kanz al-Īmān

[13] irā al-Jinān, vol. 8, p.120
