Spiritual guide as a mahram

 Madani Muzakarah

Spiritual guide as a maram

Q: Is a spiritual guide (shaykh) also a maram[1]?

A: It is possible that he may be a maram to a woman, for example, if he is a father and his daughter is a follower; in this case he would be her maram. If a woman’s spiritual guide is a non-maram, he will remain so; meaning the role of spiritual guidance will not change his non-mahram status for her. She can neither kiss the hand of her shaykh nor allow him to touch her head.[2]

Meaning of شَیْئاً لِلّٰہِ یَاعَبْدَالْقَادِر

Q: Please explain this couplet:

شَیْئاً لِلّٰہِ یَاعَبْدَ الْقَادِر

سَاکِنَ الْبَغْدَاد یَاشَیْخَ الْجِیْلَانی

A: The meaning of this is: O Shaykh Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه, resident of Baghdad!  Grant me something for the sake of Allah Almighty.[3]

Visitation of an unconscious patient

Q: If an ailing person is unconscious, how should he be visited?

A: One should go to see him, supplicate for him and console his relatives. Even though you cannot speak to him as he is unconscious, you can still sit at his side and show empathy for his relatives as they will be even more worried due to his unconscious state. Compassion should certainly be expressed.[4]

Did Shaykh Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī precede Imam Abū Hanīfah رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه?

Q: Did Shaykh Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī live prior to Imam Abū Hanifah رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه?

A:  No. The Foremost Imām, the Master of the Jurists, Imām Abū anīfah رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه (d. 2nd Shabān al-Muaẓẓam, 150 AH) lived prior to Shaykh Abd al-Qādir al-Jīlānī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه (d. 11th Rabī al-Ākhir, 561 AH).[5]

Informing one’s shaykh of his actions

Q: Can a disciple (murid) inform his shaykh of his actions?

A: If informing him is for the purpose of rectification for any shortcomings or advice concerning better actions, then this is a good intention and is permissible. However, if the intention is to impress the shaykh, seek honour and prove piety to him, then one should not inform him.[6]

Tying a black thread on the wrist

Q: Can a black thread be tied to the wrist? Is there resemblance to non-Muslims in this?

A: At our tawīdhāt stalls, a black thread, which has been recited over for the alleviation of pain, is sometimes given to people and is tied around the wrist or wherever there is pain. Therefore, if you see a person with a black thread tied on their wrist, it will be because they are experiencing pain in that limb. There is no resemblance to a non-Muslim in this. However, there is a specific steel bracelet that is worn by a group of non-Muslims; if this is worn, there is obvious resemblance to them.[7]

If the husband or wife are in contact with a non-maram, what should the other do?

Q: It seems as if the arrival of social media has contributed to an increase in family breakups. Please inform us of what should be done if the husband or wife has relations or contact with non-mahram people and the other becomes aware of this.

A: For either of them to establish such relationships is unlawful and impermissible. If this is confirmed, they should be corrected with courtesy and wisdom. Reminders from hadith and discussion regarding the fear of Allah, as well as the causes of this situation, must be considered. For example, repeated argumentation by the husband, awakening his wife from deep sleep just to have his clothes ironed, treating the wife with contempt, etc.

Similarly, the wife’s constant frowning, relentless complaining about the children the moment he returns from work, repeatedly listing her demands, and arguing about every small issue. These are some reasons that may turn their attention elsewhere. This should not happen, but a human being can deviate due to Satan.

Divorce is not the solution. Rather, the permissible and reasonable demands of each other should be fulfilled. In such circumstances, more compassion and love is required, for normally, if a certain dose of medicine is not having an effect, it is increased. This is an excellent way of running the home, and families remain protected from conflict through this.[8]

Calling the imāmah a pagri (turban)

Q: Some people call the imāmah a pagri; what is the ruling concerning this?

A: Some people do call the imāmah a pagri, pagh or sāfah, and other names. In any case, if the intention is not one of disrespect, there is no harm in this. It is evident that no Muslim will have the intention of disrespect when using these terms.[9]

Does the tongue become thin due to consuming chillies?

Q: People say the tongue becomes thinner due to eating chillies and one is able to read better. Is this correct?

A: I have never read or heard that the tongue is thinned through eating chillies. However, according to medical research, green chillies can strengthen one’s immune system. Yet, one should still not consume too many green chillies as this can damage the stomach.[10]

[1] A term which describes one with whom marriage is prohibited (through blood, or marriage or milk relations).

[2] Madani Muzakarah, 7th afar al-Muaffar 1441 AH

[3] Madani Muzakarah, 7th Rabī al-Ākhir 1441 AH

[4] Madani Muzakarah, 13th afar al-Muaffar 1441 AH

[5] Madani Muzakarah, 7th Rabī al-Ākhir 1441 AH

[6] Madani Muzakarah, 2nd Rabī al-Awwal 1441 AH

[7] Madani Muzakarah, 20th afar al-Muaffar 1441 AH

[8] Madani Muzakarah, 2nd Rabī al-Awwal 1441 AH

[9] Madani Muzakarah, 20th Ramadan al-Mubārak 1441 AH, after Ar prayer

[10] Madani Muzakarah, 26th Rabī al-Awwal 1441 AH
