Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

Courses (8) Majlis Imamat Course (9) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (courses) (10) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (online) (11) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (boarding) (12) Majlis Madrasa-tul-Madinah (part-time) (13) Majlis Al-Madinah Library (14) Majlis Hajj and ‘Umrah


4.            Nigran Kabinat should get the Nigran of weak Madani activities to attend the monthly Madani Mashwarah of active Madani activities Kabinah; it will inspire them and they will become aware of the methods to improve Madani activities.

5.            Madani Mashwarahs will be held as per the dates of Mashwarahs which have been fixed in the Madani pearls of Departments. One of the means to improve Madani work is to hold Madani Mashwarah on time regularly as per the set method.

6.            Nigran is the one who encourages his subordinate Islamic brothers.

Madani pearls of Madani Mashwarah permission

7.            Any responsible Islamic brother whose Mashwarah has to be arranged anywhere, if the concerned responsible Islamic brother has to be called, so Majlis Maliyat will pay his travel expenses as per decided, if he is called.

8.            The Division of any responsible Islamic brother of any department if has to go to Division and he gathers all the responsible Islamic brothers in the Kabinah, so for this advance written permission is necessary from the concerned Nigran Kabinah and department responsible Islamic brothers of Pakistan level.

9.            The Kabinah of any responsible Islamic brother of any department if has to go to Kabinah and gathers all responsible Islamic brothers on Kabinat level, so for this, advance written permission has to be obtained from the concerned Nigran-e-Kabinat and the responsible Islamic brothers of Pakistan Level.

The responsible Islamic brother of the department who has to go to Kabinat if arranges a Tarbiyyati Ijtima’/Madani Mashwarah of all the