Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

1.            Whenever you go to anyone’s home, be very careful not to say anything that may hurt their feelings.

System of Madani Mashwarahs in Islamic sisters

2.            Monthly Madani Mashwarahs on Kabinat level should be arranged in which Kabinat responsible Islamic sisters should have face to face Madani Mashwarah of Kabinah responsible Islamic sisters. Current progress, inquiry about set targets, problems and their solutions, analysis of progress and decline, appreciation of good performance, distribution of Madani gifts, and discussion in a proper manner for upcoming targets and advance and progress schedule.

3.            Besides Kabinah responsible Islamic sisters, department Zimmahdar Islamic sister on Kabinat level should also attend the Madani Mashwarah of Kabinat Zimmahdar Islamic sister every month. After every three months, Nigran-e-Pakistan Intizami Kabinah Abu Rajab Haji Muhammad Shahid ‘Attari and member of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis Madani work for Islamic sisters Haji Abu Majid Muhammad Shahid ‘Attari Al-Madani will attend it via the internet.

4.            The Kabinah Responsible Islamic sisters of the entire country should come to Bab-ul-Madinah once in twelve months to get Madani pearls from Bint-e-Attar Baaji, Aalami Majlis Mushawarat responsible Baaji and Pakistan Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar Baaji. The Islamic sisters of Aalami Majlis Mushawarat should give them Madani pearls and encourage on their better performance as well as notify and train them as needed.

5.            After every four months, Pakistan Majlis Mushawarat Zimmahdar Islamic sister should arrange a face to face Mashwarah of the entire Kabinat Zimmahdaran of Pakistan and the department responsible Islamic sisters of Pakistan level in Madina-tul-Awliya (Multan) or Sardarabad (Faisalabad). The Nigran Pakistan Intizami Kabinah and member of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis Madani work for Islamic sisters should attend this Mashwarah via the internet.