Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - August 2015

1.            It is easy for Nigrans to ask for Islamic brother for their department, but when Islamic brothers have been appointed, it becomes difficult to get work from them.

2.            It is the most difficult task to find out capable and competent people. If a Nigran-e-Majlis cannot perform this work, so he will not be able to perform the work of his department as well.

Watch vigilantly

3.            From time to time, responsible Islamic brothers should watch Madani Marakiz, Madrasa-tul-Madinah, Jami’a-tul-Madinah, etc. from investigation point of view not only in the days but also in the nights and whatever weaknesses are found, should be overcome by implementing the Shar’i commandment and organizational method in an easy way after seeking guidelines as per Shari’ah.

I’tikaf of the month of Ramadan

4.            The Islamic brothers who have to be made I’tikaf Nigran etc. during I’tikaf (Ramadan 1437), Nigran-e-Kabinah should make their complete record then e-mail it to Pakistan Intizami Kabinah Maktab. Target: 41 days

5.            Try your best to persuade all responsible Islamic brothers to observe I’tikaf (whole month of Ramadan/last ten days).

6.            Members of Shura and Nigran-e-Majlis I’tikaf (Pakistan) should arrange Madani Mashwarahs of the construction of I’tikaf Observing Masajid, whole year organizational responsible Islamic brothers, teachers of Jami’a-tul-Madinah and the students of high levels. They should be persuaded to observe I’tikaf after telling them the virtues of I’tikaf. Appoint Halqah Nigran or I’tikaf Nigran during I’tikaf right now.

7.            Those who are ready for I’tikaf and, in particular, those who are to be assigned with the responsibly of Halqah or area during the I’tikaf, Tarbiyyati Ijtima’aat of such brothers should be arranged because those who are if not trained themselves, how could they train other people then?