Iman Ki Hifazat

Book Name:Iman Ki Hifazat

These are the people who disbelieved in the verses of their Lord and meeting Him, therefore all their deeds are in vain. We shall consequently not establish any weight (of good deeds) for them on the Day of Resurrection. This is their recompense; the Hellfire, because they disbelieved and made a mockery of My verses and My Messengers. Indeed, those who believed and did good deeds, Gardens of Firdaus (Paradise) are (for) their hospitality.[1]

Here is a summary of what “Tafseer Siraat ul-Jinaan” states regarding these verses, in the form of Madani Pearls:  

*   “Not establishing any weight” means that their seemingly righteous deeds will have no value nor will they have any weight, on the Day of Judgement.

*   When their apparent righteous deeds are weighed against their disbelief and sins, all of their outward righteous deeds will prove to be weightless.

*   The value and weight of good deeds is dependent upon faith and sincerity.

*   When these people are void of faith and sincerity, how can their deeds bear any weight?

*   The good deeds of some Muslims will also lack weight.

*   The worst form of disbelief is to dishonour and ridicule a Prophet, the punishment of which is given in both worlds.



[1] [Kanz-ul-Iman (translation of Quran)] (Part 16, Surah Al-Kahf, verses 105 - 107)