Iman Ki Hifazat

Book Name:Iman Ki Hifazat

It is written in Tafseer Siraat ul-Jinaan: Indeed, those who said “Only Allah Almighty is our Lord” whilst accepting Allah to be their Lord and testifying to His Oneness, and then remained steadfast on this belief and its requirements, the angels descend upon them from Allah Almighty. They bring glad tidings and say do not fear the matters of the Hereafter and do not grieve over family and other things that you left behind. Rejoice for the Paradise that was promised to you in this world on the tongue of the Allah’s noble Messengers عَـلَـيْهِمُ الصَّلٰوة وَالسَّلام.[1]

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                 صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Encouragement to Remain Steadfast upon Islam

Dear Islamic brothers! Remaining steadfast upon Islam is of the utmost importance. If we die in a state of Iman, we will attain salvation. Glad tidings of Paradise have been given to those who remain firm upon Islam and adhere to the injunctions of the Quran. The Quran also commands us to leave this world in a state of Iman. Hence, it is mentioned in verse 102 of Surah Aale ‘Imran:

یٰۤاَیُّهَا  الَّذِیْنَ  اٰمَنُوا  اتَّقُوا  اللّٰهَ  حَقَّ  تُقٰتِهٖ  وَ  لَا  تَمُوْتُنَّ  اِلَّا  وَ  اَنْتُمْ  مُّسْلِمُوْنَ(۱۰۲)

O believers! Fear Allah as He should be rightfully feared, and never die but as Muslims.[2]

Dear Islamic brothers! The latter part of the verse tells us to die only as Muslims. The meaning of this is that we must strive to remain firm



[1] Ruh al- Bayan, para 24, Ha Meem Al-Sajdah, Ayat 30, vol. 8, pp. 254 – 255,  Siraat ul Jinaan, vol. 8, p. 631

[2] [Kanz-ul-Iman (translation of Quran)] (Part 4, Surah Aale ’Imran, verse 102)