Iman Ki Hifazat

Book Name:Iman Ki Hifazat

engage in useless discussions as if they have a treasure of knowledge. These ignorant individuals even utter statements of disbelief.

Imam Ahmad Raza Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَلَيْه states the following regarding such people on pages 159 to 160 of the 24th volume of Fatawa Razawiyyah: If a person commits theft and fornication, then despite these acts being sins, they are not as destructive as speaking about divine knowledge without adequate research and knowledge. Due to his lack of research and knowledge, he will commit Kufr and be oblivious to it! His example is like the one who does not know how to swim but he jumps into a raging river. Also, the deception of Satan regarding beliefs and religion is not something that is hidden. And Allah is All-Knowing.[1]

3. Not Protecting the Tongue

Dear Islamic brothers! Not restraining the tongue can also be a cause of losing your faith. The state of people today is that they utter whatever comes to their mind. The concept of being mindful of what earns the pleasure and displeasure of Allah Almighty is vanishing. The youth of today listen to and sing songs that contain phrases of Kufr. People use the tongue to mock and joke about Paradise, Hell, the Angels and Allah Almighty. Others use the tongue to utter statements of Kufr when complaining about their poverty. When the breadwinner or a young person passes away, they utter words of disbelief and complain to Allah Almighty with this tongue.

For the sake of Allah! Come to your senses, restrain your tongue, and prevent it from uttering useless, immoral and disbelieving statements. Remember, sometimes a statement of Kufr unintentionally leaves the tongue and it becomes a cause of destroying our faith and making us worthy of Hell.



[1] Al-Hadeeqah tul Nadiyyah, vol. 2, p. 270