Iman Ki Hifazat

Book Name:Iman Ki Hifazat

way she could. Once, whilst she was combing the hair of Pharoah’s daughter, the comb fell from her hand and she instinctively said سُـبْحٰـنَ الـلّٰــه out aloud. When the disbelieving daughter of Pharoah heard this, she asked, “Did you praise my father Pharoah?” The pious woman replied, “No! I glorified Allah Almighty, Who created me, your father and the entire universe. There is none worthy of worship except Him; He is One and has no partner.” Upon hearing the beliefs of this pious woman, Pharoah’s daughter said, “I will tell my father that you do not accept him to be God.” “Go ahead and tell him”, the pious woman replied, not becoming unnerved by her threats.

So, she told her father and he summoned the maid and said, “I have heard that you believe in a God other than me. Your safety is in leaving this new religion, taking me as your God and worshipping me. Otherwise, you will be punished severely.” “Do what you will; I will never turn to disbelief”, the pious woman replied defiantly. Pharoah became enraged and ordered for oil to be heated in a large copper pot. As the oil began to boil, her son was thrown into the boiling oil and moments later, his bones rose to the top. The tyrant Pharoah asked, “Do you take me as your God?” The woman replied, “I will never accept you as my God. My Lord is the Owner of the worlds.” One by one, Pharoah threw her children into the boiling oil, but the strong and patient woman did not waver in her faith.

Pharoah acknowledged that she would never abandon her faith, so the tyrant ordered his guards, “Throw her into the oil like her children.” As the guards approached her, Pharoah asked her if she had any last requests. She said, “Yes! I have one desire. When I am cast into the boiling oil and my flesh is consumed, take this cauldron and put it in my hut near the edge of the city. Then demolish the hut so our house becomes our place of burial. Pharoah said, “We will fulfil this wish of yours.” Thus, the brave, believing woman was thrown into the boiling oil and not long after, her bones floated to the top too.