تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Book Name:تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

door to our Merciful Allah Almighty. Kings of this world will turn you away, but Allah Almighty, the King of kings, will never turn you away. People may abandon you, your friends and family may look the other way, your own brother may not offer a helping hand, but Allah Almighty never leaves His people hopeless. Be it someone pious or sinful, He does not turn them away empty-handed.

Why couldn’t the boss sleep?

There is a story of a very rich person. He owned a luxury car, a nice house, and successful business. Allah Almighty had given him everything. One day, he came home in the evening, spent time with his children, had dinner, dealt with some important tasks, and then lay down to sleep on his comfortable bed at night. However, he just could not get to sleep.

Sleep is also a blessing from Allah Almighty and is only given to whomever He wills. This wealthy man was continuously tossing and turning, but he just could not sleep. After quite some time, he thought to himself that I am doing nothing but lying here, so why not get some fresh air outside. Hence, he got into his car and drove around from here to there, without any direction. Eventually, he came across a masjid.

Now he thought to himself, instead of wandering around, why don’t I just go to the masjid? So, he parked his car, went inside, made wudu, and entered the main hall of the masjid. He suddenly stopped in his tracks. Nobody was inside, but he could hear a faint sound of somebody crying coming from one of the corners. There, in the corner, was a poor person making duꜤāˈ with tears falling from his eyes and his hands raised in supplication.

“O Allah Almighty!”, the poor person proclaimed, “My daughter is ill. Doctors say she requires surgery. I am poor and have no money to pay for this. O Allah Almighty, You are the creator of all means. Shower