تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Book Name:تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

55.  Did you wear an ʿimāma?

56.  Did you show respect and manners to your parents?

Record of Qufl-i-Madina

*   Communicating through writing - 12 times

*   Communicating through gestures - 12 times

*   Conversing without looking into the other’s eyes - 12 times

Weekly 10 Pious Deeds

57.  Did you send at least one Islamic sister from your home to the weekly sisters gathering?

58.  Did you watch or listen to the weekly Madani Muzakara?

59.  Did you attend the weekly gathering from beginning to end?

60.  Did you conduct iʿtikāf on the weekend?

61.  This week, did you visit the home of someone in distress, offered condolences upon a death, or visited the unwell in accordance with the sunnah?

62.  Did you fast on Monday, or any other day if you missed Monday?

63.  Did you read or listen to the weekly booklet?

64.  Performed the Area Visit at least once?

65.  This week, did you reach out to an Islamic brother who was once involved with Dawat-e-Islami but is no longer currently? Did you encourage them to come back?

66.  Did you take part in the weekly study circle?