تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Book Name:تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Your mercy on me!” Observing this, the wealthy man realised why he couldn’t sleep. Approaching the poor person, this rich individual put his hand into his pocket, took out whatever he had and gave it to the poor man. He also gave him his business card with his address and said, “This is all I have with me now. If you need more, come to this address.”

Although the poor man had no money, his heart was free from greed. He gave the card back to the wealthy individual and said, “My brother, I already have someone to go to.”

Puzzled, the rich man asked, “Who do you have to go to? And why didn’t you just go there?”

The poor person replied, “I am sat at the door of the One Who sent you to me at this time. Today, my need has been fulfilled. In future, if I need anything else, I will come to this door again.”

Dear Islamic brothers, as you can see, we have limited resources. Our hopes fall apart, every door shuts close in our face, and our minds shut down when worries and difficulties come. All our strength, determination, and the people we know may be of no help. In such circumstances, there is only one source of support, which is from Allah Almighty. Nobody is left empty-handed after they ask from Him. He fulfils our needs. He makes things happen in ways we could never even have imagined.

Test yourself

In this world, we take all kinds of exams and tests. Let’s test ourselves for just a moment. Let’s all carry out a task by asking ourselves this: when a difficulty arises, who do we think of first?

Normally, when we’re ill, the first person we think of is a doctor. If we have a legal issue, the first person we think of is a lawyer. If we need money, we think of our friends or family. Everyone should ask