تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Book Name:تَوَجُّہ اِلَی اللہ

Let us try our best to make a habit of always remembering Allah Almighty and focusing on Him. May the love of Allah Almighty become deep-rooted in our hearts, and may we only focus on Him no matter what.

How our pious elders focused on Allah Almighty

Once, the saint Abū al-Ḥasan Sirrī Saqaṭī رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه was approached by his neighbour. “My son was kidnapped by a soldier last night”, she sighed, “They might hurt him. Please, help me get my son back.” The saint stood up as he heard this and began offering salah with utmost concentration and humility.

After quite some time passed, the woman exclaimed, “O Abū Ḥasan, please hurry! I’m worried the king will throw my son in jail!” The saint continued his salah, and after finishing, he turned to the woman and said, “O servant of Allah! Your very problem is what I am resolving!”

As this conversation was taking place, the woman’s maid came and said, “My lady, come home! Your son has returned!”[1]

Dear Islamic brothers, this is what it means to focus on Allah Almighty. But what is our state? As soon as we hear anything that makes us sad, we hold our heads in our hands. If a problem comes our way, we run around here and there, and our minds are all over the place. Some may even cause havoc and break a glass or other item upon coming to hear of some sad news.

As for the righteous servants of Allah Almighty, they had a beautiful manner whereby they turned to Allah Almighty, made duꜤāˈ to Him, and called out to Him. It is Allah Almighty Who listens to our calls. It is Allah Almighty Who showers mercy upon us. It is by turning to Allah Almighty that difficulties are averted.



[1] ʿUyūn al-Ḥikāyāt, translated edition in Urdu, vol. 1 p. 266