Namaz Ki Ahmiyat

Book Name:Namaz Ki Ahmiyat

2.   Whoever performs ablution well, goes to the masjid for the obligatory prayer, and prays behind the imam, his sins will be forgiven.[1]

3.   If someone performs the prayer in congregation and asks from Allah, Allah is too merciful to allow the person to leave before his need is fulfilled.[2]

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                          صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Dear Islamic brothers! You heard about the blessings of performing the prayer in congregation. Therefore, we must make a habit of offering the daily prayers in the masjid in the first row. We often see the elderly and those that have disabilities undertake many difficulties when they travel to the masjid in order to pray in congregation. If they prefer to pray in congregation despite their suffering, we must avoid laziness and rush towards the masjid. People today compete with each other in matters of the world, like building the biggest homes, wearing the best clothes, driving the flashiest cars, having the most successful business and so on. Love for this world has made us so greedy that we spend day and night trying to attain wealth. If only we thought about performing good deeds upon seeing righteous people. If only we could develop a passion of praying five times a day, and a love for the masjid when we see others praying in congregation. اَلْـحَمْـدُ لـِلّٰـه! Imām Aḥmad Razā Khan رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه travelled extensively and endured the hardships of many journeys, but he always prayed in congregation. Here is a faith inspiring parable regarding this.



[1] Shuab al-Īmān, vol. 3, p. 9, Hadith 2727

[2] Ḥilyat al-Awliyāˈ, vol. 7, p. 299, Hadith 10591