Namaz Ki Ahmiyat

Book Name:Namaz Ki Ahmiyat

*    The intention for fasting, whether it be of Ramadan, a specified vow or an optional fast, must be made after sunset and before al-Ḍaḥwat al-Kubrā i.e., the middle of the SharꜤī day.[1]

*    An intention is the resolve of the heart. Although it is not necessary to say the intention aloud, it is recommended to do so.

*    If an intention is made during the night to observe a fast of Ramadan, say: نَوَیتُ اَنْ اَصُوْ مَ غَدًا لِلّٰہِ تَعَالیٰ مِنْ فَرْضِ رَمَضان. I make an intention to observe the obligatory fast of Ramadan tomorrow for the sake of Allah.

*    If the intention is made during the day, say: نَوَیتُ اَنْ اَصُوْ مَ ھٰذاالْیومَ لِلّٰہِ تَعَالیٰ مِنْ فَرضِ رَمَضان I make an intention to observe the obligatory fast of Ramadan today for the sake of Allah.[2]

*    Saying these words in Arabic will only be classified as an intention if the meaning is understood. An intention said aloud, irrespective of the language, will only be regarded as intention if it is the resolve of the heart.[3]

*    An intention can be made in your native language.[4]

*    If an intention is made during the day, it is necessary to include that you are fasting since the morning. If an intention to fast is made only from this moment onwards, and not since dawn, the fast is invalid.[5]

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                          صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


The remaining pearls of wisdom relating to intentions of fasting, will be explained in the study circles. In order to learn more, make sure to attend these and gain great reward.

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب      صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد


[1] Radd al-Muḥtār, vol. 3, p. 332

[2] Radd al-Muḥtār, vol. 3, p. 332

[3] Radd al-Muḥtār, vol. 3, p. 332

[4] Radd al-Muḥtār, vol. 2, p. 332

[5] Al-Jawharat al-Nayyirah, vol. 1, p. 175