Ya ALLAH! Mein Hazir Hon

Book Name:Ya ALLAH! Mein Hazir Hon

many fortunate people are preparing to perform the pilgrimage. They will be purchasing iḥrāms and packing their necessities before they depart for the blessed journey. If only us sinners are blessed with an opportunity to perform Hajj, walk between Ṣafā and Marwah, stand in the plains of ꜤArafah, perform qurbānī in Minā, make ṭawāf of the KaꜤbah, and kiss the blessed black stone.

A practical demonstration of devotion to Allah Almighty

Dear Islamic brothers! Reflect! How beautiful is it that a man, the creation of Allah Almighty to whom Allah Almighty has given life and strength, wears the iḥrām and acts upon His command. He travels to Makkah and recites the talbiyyah aloud, and declares through his actions:

O Allah Almighty! I am Your servant, and You are my Lord. O Allah Almighty! I am present in Your court. O the Most Merciful! You commanded me to perform ṭawāf of the KaꜤbah, and I obeyed. O Allah Almighty! You commanded me to stand in the plains of ꜤArafah; so, I left my home and travelled from afar to stand in ꜤArafah despite the severe heat. Visualise how beautiful this scene is and how someone expresses his love for Allah Almighty by reciting the talbiyyah.

Virtues of talbiyyah in light of sacred Aādīth

1.   The beloved Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم said,

مَا مِنْ مُلَبٍّ يُلَبِّي إِلَّا لَبَّى مَا عَنْ يَمِينِهِ وَعَنْ شِمَالِهِ مِنْ شَجَرٍ وَّحَجَرٍ حَتَّى تَنْقَطِعَ الْاَرْضُ هَاهُنَا وَهَاهُنَا

When someone recites the talbiyyah, all the trees and stones to his right and left, until the end of the earth, recite the talbiyyah too.[1]



[1] Ṣaḥīḥ Ibn Khuzaymah, p. 601, Hadith 2634.