Ya ALLAH! Mein Hazir Hon

Book Name:Ya ALLAH! Mein Hazir Hon

Encouragement for Pious Deed 43

Dear Islamic brothers! Islam teaches us about spiritual and physical purity. Therefore, we must ensure our bodies, clothes, imāmahs, shoes, cars, homes, streets and environment are clean. In particular, have a bath or perform ablution, apply fragrance and wear good clothes before entering the masjid with the intention of honouring the place of worship. This will allow you to pray with focus and humility اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه. In order to improve your religious condition, affiliate yourselves with the environment of Dawat e Islami and participate in the 12 activities of the zeyli halqa. Pious deed number 43 from the Pious Deed booklet states:

Do you observe cleanliness, and are you mannerly? (Cleanliness here means keeping your body, clothes, house, place of work and things used there neat and clean. Mannerly means being punctual, not banging doors unnecessarily at home or when sitting in your own or someone else’s car, putting something back at its place at your home, educational institute, office or someone's house, which you had permission to pick up, etc.)

صَلُّوۡا عَلَى الۡحَبِيۡب                                                                                                       صَلَّى اللّٰهُ عَلٰى مُحَمَّد

Madani Qafilah Department

Dear Islamic brothers! As time goes by, the state of Muslims continues to decline. The passion to pray is dwindling, and the destruction of sins is spreading into our homes and ruining the future of the upcoming generation. Due to these troubling times, it was necessary for the compassionate members of the ummah to travel to different villages, cities and countries to guide people. This is why Dawat e Islami created the Madani Qafilah department.