*When I grow up, I want to become an ‘Ālimah[1] and a teacher in Jāmi’ah[2]. (Ayesha Umayr, Karachi)
*When I grow up, I want to become an ‘Ālimah. (Hafizah Rasheed, Lahore)
*When I grow up, I will become an ‘Ālimah [Allāh willing]. (Juwayriyah, Larkana)
*When I grow up, I will do a lot of Madanī work just like mum, so I can repeatedly meet Sister Bint-e-Attār [Allāh willing]. (Saniyah Nadeem, 10 years of age, Nawaab Shah)
*When I grow up, I will become the principal of Dar-ul-Madinah [Allah willing]. (Ghulaam Mustafaa, Rohari)
*When I grow up, I will become an ‘Ālim[3] of the religion [Allāh willing]. (Usman, Jacobabad)
*I want to become a childcare teacher so I can help little children, I want to teach them good manners so they know how to behave with their parents and teachers [etc.]. (Noor Fatimah Iqbal d/o Muhammad Iqbal, Sefton, Australia)