Madani activities of Majlis
Madani In’amaat
٭ Under the
supervision of Majlis Madani In’amaat, Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’aat were held at
more or less 1716 locations all over Pakistan in Muharram-ul-Haraam and Safar-ul-Muzaffar 1440 AH. Approximately
45609 devotees of Rasool attended these Ijtima’aat.
٭ Yaum-e-Qufl-e-Madinah
was marked at 2044 locations in Muharram-ul-Haraam
and Safar-ul-Muzaffar 1440 AH in Pakistan. Approximately 50274 Islamic brothers
attended these religious gatherings. اَلْحَمْدُلِلّٰہ
عَزَّ وَجَلَّ! Approximately 79582 Madani In’amaat
booklets were collected in the month of Safar-ul-Muzaffar
1440 AH.
Inauguration of Masjid
of Majlis Madani In’amaat Pakistan inaugurated Jaami’ Masjid Faizan-e-Barakat
in Cattle Colony, Bab-ul-Madinah, Karachi.
Madani activities of Majlis
Mazaraat-e-Awliya on ‘Urs of pious predecessors
the supervision of Majlis Mazaraat-e-Awliya of Dawat-e-Islami, blessed
activities such as Quran Khuwani, call to righteousness, Madani Halqahs, Madani
visits, individual efforts and Chowk Dars were carried out and Madani Qafilahs
kept arriving on the occasion of the ‘Urs (death anniversary) of the following
blessed saints and pious people:
٭ Sayyiduna Daata
Ganj Bakhsh Sayyid ‘Ali Hajwayri رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Sayyiduna Shah ‘Abdul
Lateef Bhittai رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Bhit Shah, Bab-ul-Islam
٭ Sayyiduna Peer
Pathan Khuwajah Muhammad Sulayman Taunsavi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Taunsa Shareef, Dera Ghazi Khan, Punjab)
٭ Commentator of Sahih
Bukhari, Mufti Muhammad Sharif-ul-Haq Amjadi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Ghosi, District Mau, UP, India)
٭ Baba Bulleh Shah
Sayyid ‘Abdullah رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Kasur, Punjab)
٭ Quaid-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat
‘Allamah Arshad-ul-Qaadiri رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Jamshedpur, Bihar, India)
٭ Sayyiduna Shaykh Saaleh Suwali رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Uthal, Balochistan)
٭ Khuwajah Abu
Dawood Muhammad Sadiq Qaadiri Razavi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Gujranwala Punjab)
٭ ‘Allamah Muhammad
Siddeeq Qaadiri Naqshbandi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Gilgit)
٭ Khuwajah
Sufi Karamat Husayn Naqshbandi Mujaddidi رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ
تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Gujranwala)
٭ Sayyiduna Shah
Kamal رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Iqbal Town,
Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Sayyiduna Shah
Jamal رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (near Ichhra Stop,
Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Sayyiduna Jhaari
[جھاری] Peer (Samanabad, Punjab)
٭ Sayyiduna Bayri
Peer (Iqbal Town, Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Sayyiduna Meeran
Husayn Zanjaani (Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Baba Nayk Mard
Sarkar رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Kanganpur, District Kasur)
٭ Peer Sakhi Haydar
Shah رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Changa Manga)
٭ Baba Shah Suwar (Kanganpur, District Kasur)
٭ Sayyiduna Panj Peer
رَحْمَۃُ اللہِ تَعَالٰی
عَلَیْہِ (Markaz-ul-Awliya, Lahore)
٭ Sayyiduna Shah
Kamal Chishti رَحْمَۃُ
اللہِ تَعَالٰی عَلَیْہِ (Kasur, Punjab)
٭ Sayyiduna Sakhi
Sarkar Fayz-e-‘Aalam (Gulberg, Markaz-ul-Awliya,
from this, books and booklets were presented to the devotees at many places and
responsible Islamic brothers of Majlis Mazaraat-e-Awliya also met with some
dignitaries and Sajjadah Nasheens.
Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’
the supervision of Majlis Doctors and Shu’bah Ta’leem, a glorious Ijtima’ was
held in Mirpur Khas Bab-ul-Islam Sindh. Rukn-e-Shura Muhammad Athar ‘Attari
delivered a Sunnah-inspiring Bayan.
Majlis Mu’awanat
[assistance] for Islamic sisters
the supervision of Majlis Mu’awanat for Islamic sisters, 109 Maharim Ijtima’aat
were held in October 2018. Approximately 2044 Islamic brothers attended these
Ijtima’aat; by the individual efforts of Muballighin (preachers) of
Dawat-e-Islami, 581 Maharim Islamic brothers had the privilege to travel with
3-day Madani Qafilahs, 15 Islamic brothers had the privilege to travel with
12-day Madani Qafilahs and 8 Islamic brothers had the privilege to travel with
1-month Madani Qafilahs.
Faizan-e-Namaz course
order to teach correct method of Salah, a 7-day Faizan-e-Namaz course, under
the Majlis Madani Courses of Dawat-e-Islami, is conducted on 1st, 11th
and 21st of every ‘calendar month’ at different places including
global Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah Bab-ul-Madinah Karachi. In previous
days, this Madani course was conducted in Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah Dera
Murad Jamali (Balochistan). Devotees of Rasool had the privilege to attend this
course and made good intentions to adorn their face with beard and head with
Imamah, travel with a 3-day Madani Qafilah every month and call out
Brief review of Madani
activities of Majlis Taajiran
large number of businessmen Islamic brothers arrived from Markaz-ul-Awliya
Lahore to global Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah, Bab-ul-Madinah Karachi by
Meeladi Plane to have the privilege of having the blessed company of Shaykh-e-Tareeqat,
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَتْ
بَرَكَاتُـهُمُ الْعَالِيَـه and attending Madani Muzakarahs held on 9th, 10th
and 11th November 2018 where they also had the privilege to meet Shaykh-e-Tareeqat,
Ameer-e- Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَتْ
بَرَكَاتُـهُمُ الْعَالِيَـه.
are some glimpses of the outstanding performance of Madani activities carried
out in October 2018 under the supervision of Majlis Taajiran:
٭ Taajir Ijtima’aat
and Madani Halqahs: 961. Attendees: 9,501
٭ Madrasa-tul-Madinah
Baalighan: 7,647. Number of students: 68,049
٭ Madani Dars: 752
٭ Chowk Dars: 1,857
٭ Madani Daurah (visits):
565. Attendees: 2,407
٭ Madani Qafilahs:
167. Attendees: 1,291
٭ 2,943
businessmen Islamic brothers distributed 10,904 booklets
Madani activities of Majlis
Meat Taajiran
٭ A glorious Ijtima’
was held in Madani Markaz Faizan-e-Madinah, Jauhar Town in previous days; 300
Islamic brothers from various places associated with the meat industry, cattle farm and leather works
attended this Ijtima’. Rukn-e-Shura Haji Ya’foor Raza Attari delivered a
Sunnah-inspiring Bayan.
٭ A
Sunnah-inspiring Ijtima’ was held in Shad Bagh Markaz-ul-Awliya Lahore on 29th
October 2018. Businessmen Islamic brothers also attended this Ijtima’.
2018 (1439 AH), ceremonies of Dastaar Bandi (graduation ceremony) were held at
7 different locations in Pakistan. In these ceremonies, Dastaar Bandi of 519
Madani Islamic brothers, who completed their Dars-e-Nizami from
Dawat-e-Islami’s Jami’a-tul-Madinah, was held. In global Madani Markaz, Faizan-e-Madinah,
Karachi, after the Madani Muzakarah of 9th Rabi’-ul-Awwal 1440 AH, Shaykh-e-Tareeqat,
Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, ‘Allamah Maulana Abu Bilal Muhammad Ilyas Attar Qaadiri
Razavi دَامَتْ
بَرَكَاتُـهُمُ الْعَالِيَـه, successor of Ameer-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat, Al-Haaj ‘Ubayd Raza Attari
Madani and other honourable teachers honoured the students by tying their
turbans whereas Dastaar-e-Fazeelat Ijtima’aat in following 6 cities were held
on the blessed night of 12th Rabi’-ul-Awwal: Zamzam Nagar Hyderabad,
Madina-tul-Awliya Multan, Sardarabad Faisalabad, Markaz-ul-Awliya Lahore,
Islamabad and Gujranwala.