Useful Tips

A Heartfelt Plea

Useful Tips

Mawlana Muhammad Imran Attari

Chairman of Dawat-e-Islami’s Central Executive Committee

Mawlana Muhammad Imran Attari delivers lectures and holds training sessions for brothers in many different locations. These consist of advice, training, reflection, reformation, thought-provoking points, and solutions regarding various aspects of daily life that can be acted upon. These cover morals, spirituality, beliefs, and societal affairs. Here are 27 important points taken from his speeches:

1. Your reading, witnessing and experiences are very helpful in providing good responses for issues.

2. Whoever has passion for reading and learning, and can understand matters, then with the mercy of Allah he will develop excellence in his personality.

3. Whoever seeks advancement never remains behind in learning. Rather, he remains in learning mode and advances gradually.

4. Another benefit of learning is that whenever we learn a new matter, it removes our ignorance.

5. If you are ready to learn and covetous of teaching, these two matters will fill your knowledge reserves.

6. One of the differences between knowledge and wealth is that knowledge increased through dissemination, whereas wealth decreases through distribution.

7. Each of us is responsible for rectifying the corrupted state of society. کُلُّکُمْ رَاعٍ وَکُلُّکُمْ مَسْئُوْل عَنْ رَعِیَّتِہٖ  - “Each of you is a shepherd and responsible concerning his flock.” One of the specialities of Islam is that it does not leave its adherents without responsibility.

8. Whenever something is done with consultation and afterwards there is harm, a single person does not suffer shame. Instead, a mindset is formed to collectively endure it.

9. One should have a passion to accept the truth, regardless of whether the person speaking is junior or senior to you. Sayyidunā Umar رَضِىَ اللّٰهُ عَـنْهُ would consult the youth of Madinah al-Munawwarah, as they carried youthful enthusiasm.

10. Be a straw for people and not a thorn. A straw is useful somehow, whereas a thorn does nothing but pokes. If you have the this mentality, no one will accept you.

11. A person’s habits hold great significance. If your face and body are handsome but your habits are deplorable and you harm others, people will not accept you.

12. The media should tell the people the truth and inform matters according to Islamic law, so that they do not face humiliation in the court of Allah on the Day of Judgement.

13. It is the responsibility of people in positions of authority and importance that they fulfil their role in banning movies that contravene the teachings of Islam and destroy the moral values of society.

14. People appearing on the media should be selected carefully. We see a person passing through the gate in the airport and he is scanned by machinery and watched by CCTV. When such important steps are taken for the safety of lives, then for the protection of faith, people should be checked before they are allowed on media.

15. People’s inclination towards righteous deeds is less and greater towards sins. The reason for this is that Paradise is surrounded by anxieties and difficulties, whilst Hell is surrounded by desires and luxuries. For this reason, we see a larger portion of people advancing towards Hell.

16. Change of environment is necessary to escape sins and develop a habit for pious deeds. If you remain in a pious environment, pious acts will become a part of your nature. Conversely, if you spend time in an impious environment, sins will become part of your nature.

17. The edifice of actions stands upon the foundation of faith. A non-Muslim may perform ostensibly good actions, yet he does not acquire reward as he is faithless.

18. If you need to form a decision, first deliberate. Take advice from others, if needed. Hasty decisions sometimes lead to regret.

19. If someone is outwardly dressed in a religious manner but has bad character, people will criticise him. The person who is not dressed religiously but possesses good character; people will praise him.

20. Good character is not merely smiling and greeting people warmly. Rather, it includes patience, steadfastness, fulfilling people’s rights and pardoning.

21. The essential benefit of inviting to righteousness is so that people accept its effect. A person only accepts the effect of that which he is impressed with.

22. Upon completing education, a certificate is received and upon attaining a degree, a person’s attitude changes. If this change is positive, it benefits you and those with you, however if it is negative, it harms you and those alongside you.

23. After acquiring a degree, a person should adopt humility. One should avoid arrogance and the attitude of giving one’s own view importance, as these are such bad habits that whichever capable person they are found in, they repel people.

24. Even the one suffering from bad breath finds friends, but he whose character reeks, people do not befriend him at all.

25. Those words which are specific for the people of a particular gathering are a trust, which should not be divulged to anyone outside. If someone discloses them, he commits treachery.

26. People say, ‘Bad times do not come.’ Sometimes mistaken decisions in good times become bad times.

27. If someone’s question is prickly, the answer should not be so because fire is extinguished by water not by like fire.




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