Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

92.   (Acting upon the Madanī In’ām number 55) All the members of Shūrā should meet two such Islamic brothers every week who used to attend Ijtimā’āt, perform Madanī activities etc. but do not do any longer. Members of Shūrā should send its progress report to the member of Shūrā Muhammad Ammad Attārī Al-Madanī through SMS.

93.   A Majlis for the deceased of Dawat-e-Islami has been formed. This Majlis will, in particular, collect the information of those Islamic brothers who have passed away whilst being associated with the Madanī environment. Their death anniversaries will be commemorated every year. On the day of their death anniversary, the Nigrān of Majlis will go to the home of the deceased, present the ‘letter of condolence’ from Amīr-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه to his family members and hold an Ijtimā’ of Zikr and Na’at. A Qārī of Madrasa-tul-Madīnah, who will be a member of this Majlis, will make Īsāl-e-Sawāb of the Holy Quran, Zikr, Salāt and Salām to the deceased. Likewise, a similar Majlis for Islamic sisters, consisting of 14 members, will be formed at Pakistan level.

Majlis Communication

94.   A 4-member Majlis has been established which will hold Sunnah-Inspiring Ijtimā’āt at different institutions and places etc. Personages from concerned departments will attend these Ijtimā’āt. The responsible Islamic brothers should meet them after the Ijtimā’ and stay in constant contact with them.

Special arrangement

95.   The following members of Shūrā will especially carry out Madanī activities among the important personages of the following departments by meeting and phoning them and delivering speeches among them: (1) Hājī Muhammad Azhar Attārī (government officials, politicians, journalists and concerned departments) (2) Qari Muhammad Saleem Attārī (prominent educationalists, researchers and concerned departments) (3) Hājī Abdul Habeeb Attārī (businessmen, traders and commercial centres).

Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’āt

96.   Based on Fard knowledge and Waqf Amlāk (i.e. endowed properties), a Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ for members of Shūrā, all Nigrāns of Kābīnah, Kābīnāt and their members will be held on 20th, 21st and 22nd Muharram-ul-Harām 1435 H (14, 15 and 16 November, 2014) Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the global Madanī Markaz, Faizān-e-Madīnah, Bāb-ul-Madīnah (Karachi). All the responsible Islamic brothers should offer Salāt-ul-‘Ishā on Thursday (November 13) at Faizān-e-Madīnah.

97.   Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’āt for responsible Islamic sisters will be held thrice a year at the global Madanī Markaz, Faizān-e-Madīnah Bāb-ul-Madīnah (Karachi). Halqahs will also be arranged during these Ijtimā’āt in which female preachers will do Tarbiyyat.

98.   Members of Shūrā will visit various Kābīnāt and arrange Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ for Zaylī Mushāwarat. Thorough preparations should be made for the Ijtimā’. Members of Shūrā and Nigrān of Kābīnāt should personally enquire about preparations by phoning the Nigrāns of division Mushāwarat, persuading them to make full preparations. Nigrān of Kābīnah should visit different areas and invite responsible Islamic brothers to attend the Ijtimā’. Following a planned schedule, the Nigrān of division Mushāwarat should meet Zaylī Mushāwarat, stepping up efforts for the preparations of the Ijtimā’. Target: 126 days

99.   During the Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’, the member of Shūrā should deliver the speech on moral values and enthusiasm for conveying the call to righteousness, setting targets for promoting 12 Madanī activities