Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

and tasking responsible Islamic brothers with achieving these targets. For the preparation of the speech, he should take great help from the book ‘Call towards Righteousness’ written by Amīr-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه. It is essential for the speech-delivering preacher to be aware of weaknesses in the Madanī activities of the areas of the Kābīnah where Ijtimā’ is being held so that attempts can be made during the speech to remove those weaknesses.

100.                        A 3-day Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ will be held in Pokhara (Nepal) from 28 Rabī’-ul-Ākhir to 2 Jumādal Aūlā 1436 AH, 19 to 24 February 2015 which will be attended by the responsible Islamic brothers of India and Nepal, اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ.

101.                        The Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ of all the Nāzimīn of the Jāmi’āt of Pakistan will be held at the global Madanī Markaz Faizān-e-Madīnah Bāb-ul-Madīnah (Karachi) in Zul-Hijja-til-Harām 1435 AH.

102.                        All the members of Shūrā should visit Jāmi’a-tul-Madīnah from time to time to meet teachers and students and provide Madanī Tarbiyyat to them. Member of Shūrā Hājī Muhammad Asad Attārī Al-Madanī will plan the schedule for members of Shūrā and Nigrāns of Kābīnāt. Target: 15 days

103.                        Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’āt of Madāris-ul-Madīnah for girls will be held. Member of Shūrā Hājī Muhammad Aqeel Attārī Al-Madanī will schedule it. Target: 15 days

104.                        The timings of Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’ for Jāmi’a-tul-Madīnah and Madrasa-tul-Madīnah will be from 8 am   to 4 pm.

105.                        Nigrān Islamic brothers should check the progress report of the responsible Islamic brothers of Madanī In’āmāt in every Madanī Mashwarah. Encourage them if there is any improvement and motivate them to bring improvement if there is something lacking.

Majlis Madanī activities for Islamic sisters

106.                        After informing the member of Shūrā Abu Majid Muhammad Shahid Attārī Al-Madanī, the members of Shūrā who have the responsibility for Kābīnāt should arrange Tarbiyyatī Ijtimā’āt at Kābīnāt or Kābīnah level. In these Ijtimā’āt, Tarbiyyatī speeches will be delivered with the observance of Islamic veiling,        اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ. This will improve the Madanī activities among Islamic sisters. Before deciding whether the Ijtimā’ will be held at Kābīnāt or Kābīnah level it should be taken into consideration that Islamic sisters may not have to travel Shar’ī distance because a Shar’ī distance travel may result in their strength being decreased.

107.                        The Kābīnah/Kābīnāt level responsible Islamic sister will send the ‘schedule of progress report’ along with the ‘monthly progress report’ through her Mahram to the responsible Islamic brother of Kābīnah and Kābīnāt of the Majlis Madanī activities for Islamic sisters so that it can be known whether the relevant Islamic sister is visiting divisions/Kābīnāt or not. If this responsible Islamic brother finds any shortcoming, he will inform the Pakistan-level responsible Islamic brother for (the Majlis Madanī activities of Islamic sisters). He will not directly enquire about anything. The Pakistan-level responsible Islamic brother should inform the responsible Islamic sister of Ālamī Majlis Mushāwarat. She will enquire about the matter and issue guidelines.

Miscellaneous Madanī pearls

108.                        No great success can be achieved for any Madanī activity unless the whole system is effective and efficient.