Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

3.       The Majlis Rābitah should resolve the issues of Faizān-e-Madīnah and Madanī Markaz of Attārī Kot (Gori Kot district Astore, Gilgit) on an urgent basis. The responsible Islamic brothers of the Assets Majlis (from Madīna-tul-Awliyā, Multan) will keep staying there until the issues are resolved.

4.       The responsible Islamic brothers should particularly meet the scholars, saints and key figures of the Ahl-e-Sunnat in (Gori Kot, district Astore).

5.       Particularly launch a ‘Madanī Tarbiyyatī Course’ and a ‘Madanī In’āmāt Course’ so that Dars and Madrasa-tul-Madīnah for adults are promoted, improving the Madanī working. (Target for the commencement of courses: December 1, 2014)

6.       Try hard to ensure that ‘Madāris-ul-Madīnah for adults’ make steady progress.

7.       The member of Shūrā Muhammad Baghdad Raza Attārī will be visiting ‘Imrānī Kābīnāt in the month of Zul-Qa’da-til-Harām 1435, September 2014, اِنْ شَــآءَالـلّٰـه عَزَّوَجَلَّ.

8.       The Nigrān of the Kābīnah and other responsible Islamic brothers should persuade those Islamic brothers of Dawat-e-Islami who are the natives of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Kashmir and Gilgit but are living in other parts of Pakistan to return to these provinces and make efforts to promote the Madanī working there.

Madanī Pearls for a successful Madanī Mashwarah

9.       If Madanī Mashwarahs are scheduled and Islamic brothers are informed about them beforehand, this may well bear fruits.

10.   Initially, the progress-report-maintaining responsible Islamic brother or any responsibilities-fulfilling Islamic brother should provide information about the Madanī Mashwarah of Kābīnah or any department. He should also remind Islamic brothers of the Mashwarah one or two days before it is held. If the Nigrān of Kābīnah or Majlis does this himself, it will be highly commendable.

11.   The presiding brother as well as the attendees should ensure punctuality during the Madanī Mashwarah.

12.   Try to reach the venue of the Madanī Mashwarah before the preset time so that you can have enough time to relieve yourself, if necessary, and be able to attend it with concentration.

13.   If the Madanī Mashwarah is scheduled to be held after Salāt-ul-Fajr, then offer Salāt-ul-Isha at the venue of the Madanī Mashwarah. Go to sleep at an appropriate time so that you can actively attend the Madanī Mashwarah in a good mood or else you will feel sleepy and unable to maintain your concentration besides causing disturbance to others and trouble to the presiding brother of the Madanī Mashwarah.

14.   Using a mobile phone or tablet pc during the Madanī Mashwarah can result in loss or decrease in benefit for you and your department or division etc. Therefore, keep your mobile off or put it on the silent mode during the Madanī Mashwarah. Do see the missed calls etc. during the lunch/dinner break or at the end of the Madanī Mashwarah so that you can reply to them promptly, if necessary.

15.   Make preparations for the Madanī Mashwarah in advance. For example, Madanī pearls of your department/ Kābīnah/division, etc. the files of progress report, planned future schedule and progress schedule should all be updated so that you can produce them on demand. Furthermore, if you want to discuss your problems and offer suggestions for their solution, present them in black and white or email them in advance to the presiding brother of the Madanī Mashwarah.

16.   Displaying enthusiasm for the fulfilment of his responsibilities, the presiding brother of the Madanī Mashwarah should also follow all those etiquettes which he wants other attendees to observe. For example, punctuality, planned preparation, availability of Madanī pearls and progress reports, advance analysis of