Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Madanī pearls and progress report, identification of slow progress and improper schedule, keeping in mind the sayings of Amīr-e-Ahl-e-Sunnat دَامَـتْ بَـرَكَـاتُـهُـمُ الْـعَـالِـيَـه (through his audio/video speeches etc. or writing) and Madanī pearls of Markazī Majlis-e-Shūrā about the relevant department whose Madanī Mashwarah is going to be held, and sharing them with others on appropriate occasions.

17.   If the time of Salāh of Ishrāq and Chāsht starts, offer them even during the Madanī Mashwarah.

18.   Encourage responsible Islamic brothers greatly and pat them on the back whole-heartedly.

19.   A perfect and timely change improves the Madanī working.

20.   The Pakistan-level responsible Islamic brothers should be very steadfast.

21.   Whenever the Nigrān of the Pakistan Intizāmī Kābīnah conducts a Madanī Mashwarah for any department, the Nigrān of Pakistan Shu’bah Zimmahdār Majlis (Pakistan) should himself inform all Nigrāns of Kābīnāt of it, requesting them to ensure the presence of all the relevant responsible Islamic brothers. Members of Shūrā should also prevail upon the responsible Islamic brothers to attend the Pakistan-level Madanī Mashwarah with full preparation. {Department-related Shar’ī queries (which should be emailed in advance), individual progress report, schedule, departmental progress report, analysis of the previously set targets, progress report of Islamic brothers studying departmental Madanī pearls, progress report of the implementation of Madanī pearls and written record of the appointment of responsible Islamic brothers should all be updated and available.} They should also keep inquiring about these preparations until the relevant brothers reach the venue of the Madanī Mashwarah.

Madanī donation box

22.   All the responsible Islamic brothers should focus their full attention on Madanī donation boxes, strengthening this department. The Shūrā member Hājī Muhammad Farooq Jeelani Attārī has been made responsible for the Majlis Madanī donation box.

23.   In order to make Madanī donation boxes available for the collection of donations in Madanī Marākiz (Faizān-e-Madīnah), Madāris-ul-Madīnah, Jāmi’āt-ul-Madīnah, Dār-ul-Madīnah and in weekly Ijtimā’āt of Islamic sisters, Hājī Muhammad Farooq Jeelani Attārī should contact Pakistan-level responsible Islamic brothers and Shūrā members of the relevant departments. Target: 15 days

24.   A strong Madanī donation box should be installed outside the main gate of every Madanī Markaz (Faizān-e-Madīnah), Madrasa-tul-Madīnah, Jāmi’a-tul-Madīnah and Dār-ul-Madīnah.

25.   Members of Shūrā and Nigrāns of Kābīnāt should arrange Madanī Mashwarah providing Madanī Tarbiyyat to the responsible Islamic brothers of the Madanī donation box department at Kābīnah and Kābīnāt level every month on a regular basis. Furthermore, whenever they plan to visit any city, they should include in their schedule a Madanī Mashwarah and a Madanī Tarbiyyat session for all responsible Islamic brothers of the Madanī donation box department of that city and encourage those showing good performance.

26.   Member of Shūrā Hājī Sayyid Muhammad Ibraheem Attārī should go to a shopkeeper along with few responsible Islamic brothers and prevail upon the shopkeeper to keep the Madanī donation box in his shop. It should be recorded and telecast on Madanī Channel. Besides, it should be broadcast, in particular, in the Madanī Mashwarah of the related responsible Islamic brothers so that they may be groomed and encouraged.

27.   The responsible Islamic brothers of Majlis Transport should visit different bus stops and enlighten the buses owners about the excellence in Sadaqah, prevailing upon them to keep the Madanī donation box at the counter.