Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

Book Name:Madani Mashwara Markazi Majlis e Shura - September 2014

28.   Following a planned schedule, the Nigrān of Kābīnah should visit different cities (divisions) and conduct a Madanī Mashwarah with those shopkeepers whose shops Madanī donation boxes are kept in. Refreshments should also be served. Moreover, they should be motivated to put Madanī donations in Madanī boxes and prevail upon the customers to make their contribution. Furthermore, motivate them to take part in the Madanī activities of Dawat-e-Islami in person.

29.   A Kābīnah-level Sunnah-Inspiring Ijtimā’ will be held for these shopkeepers in which Nigrān-e-Shūrā will deliver his speech that will be televised on Madanī Channel.

30.   Majlis for Traders should make Madanī donation boxes available in different markets such as grain markets and the animal market during the days of Qurbānī.

31.   The Majlis Madanī donation box should formulate Madanī pearls for the protection of the box and ensure that they are implemented.

32.   Islamic sisters should email the monthly progress report of Madanī donation boxes to the relevant member of Shūrā.

33.   A Mashwarah of the members of Shūrā Hājī Muhammad Aqeel Attārī Al-Madanī and Hājī Muhammad Ameen Attārī will be held regarding the matters of Madrasa-tul-Madīnah Bāb-ul-Madīnah (Karachi). Target: 7 days


34.   All the departments of Dawat-e-Islami, especially Madrasa-tul-Madīnah, Jāmi’a-tul-Madīnah, Dār-ul-Madīnah and Madrasa-tul-Madīnah Online should be made self-sufficient. For this purpose, members of Shūrā and Nigrān-e-Kābīnāt, from time to time, should hold Madanī Mashwarah with the supervisors of these departments.

35.   With the consultation and permission of the relevant Nigrān of Majlis (Pakistan) and member of Shūrā, a qualified professional could also be hired for self-sufficiency purpose, wherever necessary.

MajlisUshr and nearby villages

36.   Strengthen the Majlis of ‘Ushr and nearby villages. Members of Shūrā and Nigrān-e-Kābīnāt must arrange Madanī Mashwarah with all relevant responsible Islamic brothers once every month or every two months. During the Madanī Mashwarah, present the participants with ‘Madanī pearls’ such as moral and organizational instructions, analysis of the progress report, appreciation of good progress, advice on how to improve slow progress and solutions to problems. (For detailed information, please study 26 Madanī pearls of MajlisUshr and nearby villages.)

37.   Pakistan is the eighth biggest agricultural country of the world. Please take a look at Pakistan’s position in relation to the following crops in the whole world:

(i)               Chickpea — 3rd

(ii)             Apricot — 6th

(iii)           Cotton — 4th

(iv)           Milk — 5th

(v)             Date — 5th

(vi)           Sugarcane — 5th

(vii)         Onion — 7th

(viii)       Mandarin Orange, Clementine, and Citron — 6th

(ix)           Mango — 4th

(x)             Wheat — 7th

(xi)           Rice — 14th