Book Name:Ala Hazrat Ka Shoq e Ilm e Deen

The imam listened to a question and answered with one sentence, whilst the mufti wrote this down.  

As he was writing, someone else read from another letter and asked a question. The imam answered this, and as this answer was being written, a third question was asked from a different letter. The imam answered this too and as this was being written, another question was asked by the fourth person in the room, which the imam also answered.

The first person wrote an answer whilst the imam listened to a question from a second. When the first person finished, the imam would then tell the first and second person what to write next.

Before they finished writing, he would dictate another answer to the third person. Before these three people finished writing, the imam answered a question from the fourth person. As this happened, another man entered the residence and started asking questions.

At one time, the imam was now dictating fatwas to 4 people whilst answering the questions of the man who just arrived. In this manner, Imam Aḥmad Razā Khān answered the questions in all 29 letters.[1]                        

اللہُ اَکْبَر Dear Islamic brothers! This is true passion and love for Islamic knowledge. Despite doctors advising him not to work and talk too much, and not to meet people, the imam only accepted their advice of not allowing the public to visit. He worked and wrote during the day, whilst others wrote for him in the evening.



[1] Faizān-i-Ālā Hazrat, pp. 225-226, summarized