Book Name:Ba Wazu Rehne Ke Fazail

The sins forgiven from wudu refer to minor sins, as major sins are not forgiven without repentance or without a person who had his rights violated forgiving them of his own accord.

When a person makes wudu in a good manner, the (minor) sins of his body parts flow away with the water he uses.[1]

The insight of the Foremost Jurist

اَلْحَمْدُ للّٰہ  The sins of a person who makes wudu are removed from him. There is a faith-refreshing story to tell relating to this topic. The scholar ʿAbd al-Wahhāb al-Shaʿrānī رَحمۃُ اللہِ علیہ    explains:

Imam Abū Ḥanīfah رَحمۃُ اللہِ علیہ     entered the wudu area of Kufa’s central masjid. He saw a boy making wudu, with drops of water falling from his limbs. The imam said, “My son, repent from disobeying your parents.” The young man replied, “I repent.”

He looked at the water falling from the body of another man making wudu, and said to him, “My brother, repent from fornication.” “I repent,” the man said. He did the same to another person making wudu and said, “Repent from drinking alcohol and listening to music.” This person too responded with, “I repent.”

Through divinely bestowed spiritual insight, Imam Abū Ḥanīfah رَحْمَةُ اللهِ عَلَيْه could see the sins and shortcomings of people. He prayed for Allah Almighty to take this away from him, and this was accepted. After this, he could no longer see the sins of people falling away as they made wudu.[2]



[1] Ibid, p. 234

[2] Mīzān al-Kubrā, kitāb al-ṭahāra, vol. 1, p. 130