Namaz Ke Deeni or Dunyawi Fawaid

Book Name:Namaz Ke Deeni or Dunyawi Fawaid

When gold coins sprung from the ground

Sayyidunā Abū Bakr b. Mufaḍḍal رَحْمَةُ الـلّٰـهِ عَـلَيْه once asked his Roman friend why he accepted Islam. The Roman explained:

A Muslim army came to our country. We engaged in battle and both sides suffered casualties. I captured ten Muslims, and I entrusted them to the servants of my large house back in Rome. The Muslims were shackled with chains and told to load goods onto mules.

One day, I saw a servant take something from a Muslim prisoner, and then leave the Muslim alone, so he could offer ṣalāh. I grabbed the servant, hit him, and shouted, “Tell me! What did you take from the prisoner?” He said, “He gives me one gold coin when he needs to pray.” I asked, “Does he have more dinars?” The servant answered, “No, but when he finishes praying, he hits the ground with his hand, a dinar comes out, and he gives it to me.”

I wanted to see the truth behind this. The next day, I wore the servant’s uniform and stood in his place. At Ẓuhr time, the prisoner indicated to me he needed to pray and offered a gold coin. I said, “I will not take less than two.” He had no issue with this. I unlocked his chains and he proceeded to pray. When he finished, he hit the ground with his hand, two dinars sprung forth, and he gave them to me.

At ꜤAṣr time, he again indicated he needed to pray. This time, I said I will not accept less than five gold coins. He accepted these terms, prayed as before, and gave me five gold coins that came from the ground.

At sunset, he signalled his intention to pray again. I asked for ten gold coins. He prayed, hit the ground, ten gold coins emerged,