Namaz Ke Deeni or Dunyawi Fawaid

Book Name:Namaz Ke Deeni or Dunyawi Fawaid

*    It is a light in the dark grave.[1]

*    Ṣalāh protects one from punishment in the grave.[2]

*    It is shade from the Sun on the Day of Judgement.[3]

*    It brings ease to a person crossing the Bridge of Ṣirāṭ.[4]

*    Ṣalāh is light.[5]

*    It is the key to Paradise.[6]

*    It is protection from being punished in Hell.

*    It causes mercy to descend.

*    On the Day of Judgement, Allah will be pleased with those who prayed.

*    Ṣalāh is a pillar of Islam.[7]

*    It is a means of forgiveness.[8]

*    Supplication are accepted due to it.[9]

*    Ṣalāh protects one from illnesses.

*    It gives relief to the body.[10]

*    One’s sustenance is granted blessings and expansion.[11]

*    Ṣalāh safeguards against evil and immodest actions.

*    Satan dislikes ṣalāh.[12]

*    It is a companion in the dark grave.[13]



[1] Ibid

[2] Al-Zawājir, vol. 1, p. 255

[3] Tanbīh al-Ghāfilīn, p. 158

[4] Tanbīh al-Ghāfilīn, p. 158

[5] aī Muslim, p. 106, hadith 223

[6] Musnad Imam Amad, vol. 6, p. 149, hadith 15039

[7] Shuab al-Īmān, vol. 3, p. 39, hadith 2807

[8] Al-Mujam al-Kabīr, vol. 3, p. 577, hadith 6002

[9] Tanbīh al-Ghāfilīn, p. 158

[10] Ibid

[11] Ibid

[12] Ibid

[13] Ibid