Mohabbat e Auliya Ke Fazail

Book Name:Mohabbat e Auliya Ke Fazail

and karīm. Allah is pure, Lord of the seven skies and the magnificent Arsh.

Weekly gathering schedule for 10th October 2024

*    Sunnas and manners: 5 minutes

*    Dua memorisation: 5 minutes

*    Summary: 5 minutes

*    Total duration: 15 minutes

The remaining pearls of Wisdom on Reliance and Contentment

*    Contentment and patience are virtues in worldly matters, but in matters of the Hereafter, eagerness and impatience are praiseworthy. Do not be satisfied with any level of religious achievement; strive to progress further.[1]

*    Greed is a very bad trait and a destructive habit. One should be content with the sustenance, blessings, wealth, and status that Allah Almighty has granted.[2]

*    The one whose covetous eyes are always fixated on others wealth will always remain sorrowful.[3]

*    Balʿam bin Baʿūrāˈ, who was once a great scholar and whose prayers were accepted; he was destroyed in both this world and the Hereafter due to his greed and selfishness.[4]

*    Allah Almighty says, “He who is most content with what I have



[1] Mirˈāt al-Manājī, vol. 7, p. 112

[2] Jannatī Zēwar, p. 110

[3] Risāla Qushayriyya, p. 198

[4] Malfūzāt Ālā Hazrat, p. 367 summarized