Book Name:Meraj kay Jannati Mushahidat

parents. This narration encourages a person to refrain from swearing, arguing, fighting, drugs, gambling and any other such action that can cause his parents to become the subject of abuse and dishonour, and which will also cause him to face shame on the Day of Judgement. Parents should also ensure they give their children have a good upbringing, encouraging them to do good things and correcting them when they do wrong.

If you do leave them unsupervised and they take the wrong path in life, you will face nothing but regret. In reality, the upbringing provided by the parents plays a major role in determining whether a child will be righteous or not. But unfortunately, parents are heedless of providing a proper upbringing for their children and they are spending their lives in sin themselves. When the parents have decided that the purpose of life is to acquire wealth, relax, waste time and to enjoy themselves, how can they give their children a fruitful upbringing? When the outcome of their carelessness and neglect becomes apparent, they cry in front of everyone, surprised as to why their children have turned out this way.

Such parents must reflect over how much of a role they played in causing their children to reach such a state, for they taught their children the alphabet, but did not teach them how to recite the Quran. They were taught the ways and culture of the west, but not the Sunnah of the Beloved Prophet صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيْهِ وَاٰلِهٖ وَسَلَّم. They spoke to them for hours about the importance of general knowledge, but did not encourage them to learn about the obligations of the religion. The love of wealth was placed into their hearts, but the lamp of Prophetic love was not lit. They were made to fear failing in this world but they were not taught to fear failure in the grave and Hereafter. They were taught how to say hi and hello but were not taught the method of giving Salaam. You gave them the freedom to commit sins and the tools for spending their time in futile actions.