Shab e Barat Kese Guzarain

Book Name:Shab e Barat Kese Guzarain

order to repent from this properly, one must consider taking interest to be an act of disobedience and feel shame whilst fearing punishment from Allah.

2.   The second pillar is to abandon the sin immediately. One should not be sinning and repenting simultaneously. This is not repentance, but mockery instead. Sincere repentance is to abandon the sin and then repent.

3.   The third and final pillar is to make firm intention not to commit that sin again. Once these three steps are completed, only then will it be considered true repentance.

Purify your heart from malice

Dear Islamic brothers! According to narrations, one group of unfortunate people who will be deprived of forgiveness on this auspicious night are those who hold malice in their hearts for others. In other words, those who secretly hold hatred in their heart for their Muslim brother will be deprived of forgiveness on this night.

Without doubt, we all seek and are in need of mercy and forgiveness. So, along with repenting from the sins we have committed, we must also purify our hearts. Our hearts should not contain animosity, jealousy or ill feelings towards anyone. 

What is a pure heart?

It is stated in the Quran:

اِلَّا  مَنۡ  اَتَی اللّٰہَ  بِقَلۡبٍ سَلِیۡمٍ (ؕ۸۹(

Translation from Kanz al-Īmān: Except the one who wholeheartedly presented himself with a pure heart in the majestic court of Allah.[1]



[1] Al-Quran, 26:89